MLG Longest.v2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Dizzyman572, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    The map you once loved, but not as you remembered.​

    1. Added a little sniper hut in both bases.​

    2. Deleted all 3x3 blocks and replaced with braces or walls.​

    3. Made the map look more sleek.​

    4. Added some cover in the long hallways and got rid of the down slope.
    (What was I thinking in the first place?!?)​

    5.The Elevators ahve been removed, (sort of) and replaced with grav-lifts.​

    6.Walkways bridges at the top of the map.​

    7. Grenade Launcher has been moved to the sniper hut. While the Plasma pistol is now spawns where the Grenade Launcher originally spawned.​

    Weapon Placement:
    1xCustom Powerup-180 sec
    1xSniper Rifle-118 sec
    2xMagnums-45 sec
    2xPlasma Pistol-45 sec
    2xGrenade Launcher-118 sec
    4x DMR's-45 sec
    4x Needle Rifles-45 sec
    4xPlasma 'nades
    4x Frag 'nades​

    Reccommended Gametypes:
    Longest is best played with 2v2 4v4 or No Bloom Slayer MLG.​

    Special Thanks to:
    4Shot, Hulter, Nutduster and CyborgAnthro for their feedback on Longest.
    Thanks for advice guys. :)

    Supported Gametype:
    No bloom MLG slayer.​











    Original Post
    Welcome to...​


    The map you once loved, but not as you remembered.​


    I wanted to contruct a map suited for casual MLG.​

    So I yearned to the past for ideas, and decided to do a
    re-imagination for the map Longest.​

    Weather I succeeded or failed is up to debate,
    but for know I hope you enjoy the following pics.​

    Weapon Placement:
    1xCustom Powerup-180 sec
    1xSniper Rifle-118 sec
    2xMagnums-45 sec
    2xPlasma Pistol-60 sec
    2xGrenade Launcher-118 sec
    4x DMR's-45 sec
    4x Needle Rifles-45 sec​

    Reccommended Gametypes:
    Longest is best played with 2v2 MLG.​












    #1 Dizzyman572, Oct 30, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2011
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Longest can be mlg? Anyway this map looks accurate, I play halo pc still to this date so I would know. Your incline holes look pretty accurate, not to deep and not to shallow. It's hard to tell if the map looks good from the ceiling. If you can't see any pieces that would be awesome. Nice remake for me.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Highly doubt that. After merging the competitive and MLG sections, many casual MLG maps started emerging. True MLG maps pretty much died out after the merging, excluding the maps already made before that, which even then are only bumped up by the creators and his friends. The merging unfortunately turned out to be a mistake, as many things do.

    As for the map, I again will not be downloading it. The block, 3x3 is no longer used because items that cause less frame-rate and look better have been discovered since. This is another map that looks like it was made in October 2010, and not now. Even if it were a good Longest remake, I doubt I'd give it a download. In my opinion, Longest just doesn't play well for Reach. If I want to go back and have some nostalgic moments, I'll go play CE on XBConnect.
  4. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The MLG maps are still posted on MLG, as that's where the MLG community is at. And there isn't even a lot of maps posted there right now, since most of the forgers are busy with school and work. The Forgehub kids posting "MLG maps" on here exclusively have just got this strange misconception of what an MLG map is.

    It seems like people on here use the MLG prefix as an excuse for plain and bad aesthetics more than anything else. They don't get that it supposed to be for maps from the MLG community. Saying they do it for MLG settings is pile of horsecrap, as it technically works just the same as default, except it has better movement settings and usable starting weapons.

    I hate the image the unknowing must be getting of MLG.

    Waldo's gone for a month, Ladnil hasn't showed his face anytime recently, 703's not been on for ages, Levvi is in uni, Dawkins is studying, Uno and aPK - I don't know, but I haven't seen them in a long time, NeXn has quit, Mac has quit, Bleuprint has quit, Deathstars has quit and Salot is a prat. Everyone is gone, so who is supposed to make the MLG maps?

    On Topic. You use some pieces that induce a lot of screen lag, plus you have really long LoS and high object density.
  5. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Longest has been updated. New pictures, and information can be found at the top.
    Thanks for the advice guys.

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