I betrayed my friend for about 30 min then he kill me and my penalty for betraying is 1023 seconds but i don't even think its moving lol have fun pic: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55494038
Lol nice. I remember once in halo 2, me and some fiends were glitching and they kept betrayings, so I set the time to two minutes. Accidently betrayed 4 people. I had to wait 8 minutes. lol
1023 seconds is actually the highest it can possibly go. I guess because of the doubling thing that computers use often (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and so on), it has to stop before 1024 or something. I've tested it though, and 1023 is the highest. Congrats
It's not just the respawn times. Ive gotten 1023 double kills as well, and triples. So I guess everything with a number has the limit 1023.
I did it and I have a picture with 1023 respawn time. But, I made it look like my body was crying so the quality was a lot better.
one time i rigged this fence box full of fusion coils and put spawn points inside and got on a turret and taped down my trigger to i kept getting kills. i left it on over night with 4 enemys dieing at a time and i racked up like 6000 kills er sumthing. im sure u can do the same thing with a team mate. its fun
That's really funny i wonder if any one can beat that record unless someone already did. Buts that really creative that you posted that here. Good job. Hilarious!!
aww if it stops after 1023 seconds, I was thinking of having a contesst to see who gets the highest lol Nice job though, you got bored waiting i see
I got 624 seconds in social once and we one the game to mostly because I was stealing the other teams kills.
Wow, while I was waiting for the thread to load, I was thinking it'd only be like 300 seconds, but then I saw that picture. I immediately lol'd......seriously, out loud for about a minute. I didn't even know you could have it get that high XD
i have actually gotton a longer re=spawn time =D mine was like 11354 =p But nice picture, thats still like 10 minutes! 3/5 =]