longcoast is a map i made do to boredom i really like it do to the fact its fun =)))) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=99261196
Yeah, I can't see them either. Haloscreenshots has never worked for me though. I use this method which has never let me down. Try using it instead.
am i the only one who cant see a download link? if i'm not then please put one in, i want to see how this plays... -.-
ok much better ok heres what i thought: first thought was that this is a good track... i was wrong. the first bend was fine, but its that damn bit when you get tot he roof with the shield doors. i spent ages being bounce backwards and forward between them -.- not cool. then the corners went down hill, they should have been more banked rather then 180 on a pin head... after that the first (and second) open container ramps up left me powering up, only to find nothing to stop me driving straight off... another dagger into the racing part of me... then i love the shield door corner, i managed to miss once (hit at the wrong angle) but persevered... the landings were close but i never missed. bravo... then the mancannon flip/spasm thing... another nice touch. but i'm sure some must fail at that? the start/end was frustrating though, unless 4 people are driving the just-about-two-goose-width corridor was hard to drive through -.- overall not bad but needs major improvements to keep my d/l 2/5 for a track... which isn't bad but needs editing also the name "longcoast" was "blam!"ed for me =( but thats not really your fault...