Long Road Home

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Time Glitch, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Concept by Time Glitch and Y4ZT

    Constructed by Time Glitch


    This map is an objective based Infection game that is worth hours of fun. Innovative and effective map design coupled with a fun and glitch-free gametype make this game a definite download for Infection buffs.

    The name of the map says it all. For the zombies, this is a very long road to victory, and both sides need to work together effectively to win. The first obstacle the zombies must pass is the massive line of turrets. 7 turrets stand between the zombies and the humans, and if the humans are smart, the zombies are going to have a tough time getting past them. There is considerable cover on the map, but with very little damage resistance, the zombies cannot stay under turret fire for long. Luckily the zombies spawn in a safe haven, a sort of buffer zone between the outside world and the spawn area.


    The two starting zombies in the spawn area.

    The humans can come in and camp the spawn for a little while, but the double shield doors make this...difficult. Zombie spawn points litter this area, so this is not a reccommended technique for human survival.


    A little camper ***** getting raped. This will happen to you.

    Once you've cleared your spawn area of any campers who wish to be stupid, you must tackle the turrets. The best technique here is to hide behind the cover when you can, and travel in pairs. That way, you can watch all sides of the barrier you are on.


    A Hyabusa Spartan chooses the way of the ripped off Plasma Turret.

    There will be lots of turret fire when you first come out of the door, but once you hit barriers, things get easier. Progress slowly and carefully, and the humans will be yours.


    Some zombies make use of the cover to plan their attack.

    Human technique on this part of the level is fairly simple: Use the turrets. Of course there will be idiots who decide to rip them off and be gung ho about it all, but they will be quickly disposed of.


    Well, it was fun while it lasted. Too bad you so stupid.

    The humans are initially trapped at the turrets, but after a while, relief finds them. Aproximatley 2-3 minutes into the game, mancannons spawn behind the turrets, and Humans can retreat into an easier-to-defend room boasting the last human turret.


    Waiting for the imminent attack.

    At this point, teamwork becomes essential to both sides. Humans must guard the room effectivley, because a well coordinated zombie attack in this close quarters can be devistating. Zombies have the most work, however. In the tight quarters of the hallway, there's really only one direction: Directly into turret fire. Single attack simply isnt an option. Zombies must gather their entire team and surge in single file. If you have less than about 3-4 zombies, this game wont progress any further than this. Its almost impossible with any less.


    Charge and hope for the best!
    (They didnt make it)

    If the zombies do manage to break the line and take down the turret, now would be an excellent time for the Humans to use the final part of the level: The Armory. In here you will find a series of shield doors providing some buffer zones, and 4 shotguns. This should last 2 people quite some time if used effectivley. If you're really smart, you'll have saved up a turret, and have some turrety goodness left for your final stand.


    One man guards the door while his buddy grabs some shottys. Its gonna be a FUN end of the world.

    And just when you thought the fun could never end, we get to the final task the zombies must complete: Taking down the pink juggernaut.


    Pink Death.

    Do not let his appearance fool you, for underneath this pink shell lies a powerful and dangerous zombie deathtrap. The Last Man Standing has an incredible ammount of damage resistance, and cant be taken down without a minimum of 4 zombies. He also has unlimited ammo, so trying to run him out of rounds isnt going to work. The only advantages zombies have are strength in numbers, and speed. The juggernaut is more of a tank, really. He moves at 25% normal speed, so running away is not an option. The only thing zombies can do is to gather in a pack, and simply rush to their deaths. Usually by the last few zombies, he's dead, and you've won.


    Thats a lot of zombies, mate.

    And guess what happens then? YOU GET TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!


    Here's a link to my fileshare.

    The map name is Long Road Home, and the gametype is LRH Zombies. Reccommended party size between 6-16 Players.

    I hope everyone who downloads this map gets a lot of fun out of it, and reccommends it to their friends. I can assure you this has satisfied hours of play, and theres still more where this came from. Thanks for downloading!

    If there are any bugs you experience with the map, please report them to me. Here are some known issues that are a tiny bit annoying:

    Barriers dissapear when respawning.

    Last Man Standing has issues getting through the mancannons.

    People are naturally douchebags, so people WILL rip off turrets and get themselves killed, depriving you of valuable time to defend the line until the mancannons spawn. Im sorry, but I cant fix that. If I put respawning turrets, there'd be no point to going anywhere else.​
  2. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    Re: Long Road Home: An Original Zombie Map

    Originality: 4/5
    Fun Factor: 4.5/5
    Map Design: 4/5
    Creativeness: 4/5
    Forging (neatness, techniques, etc.): 4/5
    Thread: 5/5

    Really I was sold by the thread. :p

    Side Notes: I haven't dl'ed this yet, but looks like it'll be great fun. I think you had a decent begining idea, and executed fairly well. Queued for download.
  3. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Re: Long Road Home: An Original Zombie Map

    Half the battle is presentation alone XD.
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: Long Road Home: An Original Zombie Map

    This map isnt that original...I could name dozens of others where humans have turrets and specific rooms to control...
  5. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Long Road Home: An Original Zombie Map

    True that.
    but this does look exciting.
  6. cheezeburgerowner

    Senior Member

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    How can i download this map?i'm new here...could someone help?
  7. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Looks really fun...
  8. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    ummmmmmmmm unfortuanately the pictures are too small
  9. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Time Gltich I remember you showing this map along time ago. I had a fun time playing on it. Im glad you finally posted it.
  10. Y4ZT

    Y4ZT Ancient
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    Ya im the green guy Y4ZT me and Time Glitch are pretty good at forge most of our stuff is done together
  11. SoulPursuer

    SoulPursuer Ancient
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    Best Zombie Map ever!!!!

    Cant find the variant can someone link it to me or send me a message on XBL My gamer tag is SoulPursuer
    #11 SoulPursuer, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  12. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I'm not sure why everyone likes this. It's just fat kid without the fat kid, and even more turrets at one spot.

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