What if Bungie presented us with an invasion gametype involving Sabres, Seraphs, and Banshees? and the objective was to defend your ship? sort of (well, exactly) Star Wars Battlefront. it would make for a great DLC, no? first objective would be to shoot parts of the covenant ship, till it goes from 20 - 0. then infiltrate the ship, and fight in the hangars to open up to the engine room, steal the core and bring it back to the zero G hangar area. Would put a great twist on Halo and of course there could be limitations. such as no rockets for sabres and no shields for seraphs. opinions?
That would honestly be awesome. The only thing is it then becomes sort of not halo and more starwars. Maybe they could do a sort of beta dlc to see peoples reactions?
That would be nice! Off topic! I wanna post my maps, but I'm not clean on this.... Map Posting Rules "Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare." How do I give a link to my map on the bungie.net FORUMS? You can't post maps on b.net forums ANYWHERE, it breaks their rules. >_< Help?
just link directly to the file download page on your service record. i think that might be a typo from back when you were actually able to post maps on bungie forums?
i dont understand why bungie didnt think of it in the first place. this would bring much more people into playing invasion, instead of two invasion maps only.
I love how Bungie managed to do space-combat better than a lot of other games on their first try... <3
I think its a epic idea. I want to see more of the space battles. Possibly have one map where spartans invade a Corvette and another map where Elites invate a Frigate or a docking station.
Yeah, I replay Long Night of Solace a lot. Actually, I usually only do it when I get bored enough to ***** the Banshee spawnkilling trick at the Corvette, but to do that, you have to play the first bit of actual combat,... And it's very fun. Wish they had it as an alternate game mode or something.