Lone Souls in a Lost Mine

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by REMkings, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine
    Created by REMkings

    Thread has been updated a lot as of March 1st, 2012

    At the time the chain of the elevator cracked, dropping them into the mineshaft and breaking all hope to be rescued to pieces, they now had no other choice but to enter the unknown.
    Desperately trapped in this abandoned mine, they must face the devilry awaiting them and show their true willingness to work together and survive the madness of the living dead, presumably craving for their brains, hunting them in the shadows of the concealed mine galleries.
    Working together or dying alone, surviving as a team or getting seized in the dark as individuals. The choice is up to you. Quickly, make up your mind!


    Hello and welcome to my newest map on ForgeHub, called “Lone Souls in a Lost Mine”. This is actually my first post ever in the “Casual Maps” section, because up to now all the maps I’ve ever posted were minigames. Because of several reasons though, I decided to make an infection map. (Expect my next series of maps to be minigames again - EDIT: Not so sure about that now, minigames take more time so I guess it'll have to wait until I finish some other infection maps first).

    The first reason I made this map was because of iflod101’s contest (on his YouTube channel, V1rtualFlod, he posted a contest submission video.)
    The theme of his contest was to make a new map for one of the game modes that were featured in the videos on his channel to celebrate its first year of existence. Because I was really interested in the concept of the map “Mine of Lost Souls”, an infection map that takes place in a mine, I decided to make a new map for the belonging gametype. That also clarifies the name of my map: “Lone Souls in a Lost Mine”. (I wanted to use a name that was similar to the old one, yet new and refreshing.)
    The gametype of the original map, called “Lost Souls”, can be found on Flavior101’s fileshare. It’s mostly similar to usual Infection gametypes. The only changes are that the zombies have active camo and the humans have the choice between two load-outs, Sprint and Hologram. (You’ll find this second load-out to be very, very useful.) Also they can pick up weapons, which are supposed to be placed at the beginning of the map. My own gametype works a little better for the map than the old gametype but both work fine (which was the main condition to enter the contest, so it’s actually pretty obvious that it’ll work too lol xD). In the old gametype zombies have better camo but humans have a shotgun instead of an assault rifle. This last difference is – unlike you’d expect – a much greater change to my gametype than the degree of active camouflage. It’s up to you which one you want to use, you can find the old gametype here and it’s in the file set as well.

    Click the spoiler to view the old map.

    The second reason was because of the Hub of the Dead II contest that had been going on last month. It wasn’t this map I entered though, but another version of the same concept: infection situated in a mine. That map was/is called Poor Souls in a Lost Mine. Unfortunately I had to rush that map to be able to enter the contest so it didn’t turn out the way I initially wanted it to be. That’s why I decided to make a whole new map, and this is the result. (That doesn’t mean the old map is a bad map though, so I’d highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested because I will take it off my fileshare if people like this new map better, which I expect to be the case! Link here) The old map was entered in the Hub of the Dead contest but the new map was meant for V1rtualFlod, to clarify any confusions.
    So indeed, I was not able to submit this new map in time for HotD. L

    The map
    This map takes place in a mine, obviously, which means the ceilings are low and the floors are rough. As you start the game you will spawn in front of several weapons, to be exact one Shotgun only with limited ammunition and for the rest only Assault Rifles. People will rush towards the first weapons they see so they can grab the weapons they like before somebody else does, because there will be a lot of competition since there aren’t very weapons at all. But… if you are patient enough to look around you might just find some other weapons that aren’t noticed by anyone else.. :p
    Once you’ve picked some weapons and ammo you may now enter the mine. There are five entrances you can pick.


    The first entrance will lead you to a partially collapsed room with a small gallery around one side of the room. I found one of the back areas of this specific room to be the first main hold out place on the map. In here people would choose to stand and try to keep off the zombie horde the most next to the second main holdout, but I’ll come to that later. This room is indeed a good hold out place but you will have to work together in order to survive since there are many entrances for the zombies to seize you.


    The second entrance was usually one of the hallways most people chose to enter, which was exactly what I wanted it to be since it’s a pretty big entrance, and it’s right behind the weapons placement so directly in front of your field of vision. At some point in this mine gallery you will have to choice to go either left or right, both directions will lead you further on into new parts of the mine.


    The third entrance leads to a really small mine gallery and is quite dark and the
    ceilings are low, which is probably one of the reasons people don’t really queue upto go in here. However, I’ve seen people do it anyway and when you have some backup you can actually get to a safer place really fast when using this route.

    The fourth entrance will pretty much lead to the same place as the third one, but this one takes you up a little higher which might help you to get away in time so the zombies won’t have an eye for you once they’ve reached the human spawn room.


    Finally, the fifth door will lead you directly to the second main hold out spot on the map I was talking about, but surprisingly I haven’t really seen anyone use this route, including myself. However, that was actually exactly what I wanted this route to be: one of the quickest roads to a safer place, but not likely to be used a lot. So I’m glad to see that this turned out to happen for real when we tested the map. But there’s also a downside to this corridor: zombies can spawn right next to the passage and they can also take a shortcut to cross your path from above. So be careful when walking down there.


    Like I said the humans will spawn in the weapon room, but the zombies will either spawn on top of the mine where a large pit will lead them to the humans, or elsewhere in the mine. If the zombies spawn on top of the mine and decide not to go down a teleporter will spawn in later and force them into the shaft. There’s a 33% chance a zombie will initially spawn in the mine itself and a 67% chance he’ll spawn next to the pit.
    The fact that zombies can spawn both in front and behind the humans will cause them to rush picking the ammo and hurry towards one of the doors. This is major difference compared to the old map where humans had all the time they needed to choose their weapons of choice since the zombies wouldn’t spawn so close anyway.


    Key things
    I’ll go into some more detail on the differences between the original map and my version now.

    The three things that played a key role in my map improvements/changes compared to the old map are as follows:
    1. It looks a lot more like a mine now.
    2. The map is a lot more sinister and more terrifying than the original map.
    3. Teamwork has become a much greater deal

    In the first place I wanted my map to really look like a mine. No offence to the old map because it really is a great map, especially when you take into consideration that it was made a long time ago already, but to me at some points it looked more like a cave than a mine, which is – once again – not a bad thing, but I wanted my map to have this real ‘mine feeling’ and not look like some random cave. Once I had finally finished all the mine galleries, hidden short cuts and halls, I could now work on the aesthetics and I think I did a decent job on those. I’ve added special fx and lights, a railway which goes through the air and passes by a few mine galleries, two carts, several crates, a fire room, some heaps of stones and a whole lot of supports, posts and struts. I literally used all my budget so I could get enough aesthetical pieces to make it look like a mine, so if you have any ideas for other aesthetics unfortunately I can’t use them since I have no money left and I don’t feel like deleting things. But it looks OK the way it is.

    Also, teamwork has become MUCH more important, as you will get caught if you dont cooperate with each other. I can tell from my own experience lol. I could never walk around on my own for a long time, I’d always get picked off by a zombie soon enough. But also in the more safe hold out places you still have to work as a team because there’s always more than just one entrance to prevent people from camping in corners. And these entrances can’t be viewed at the same time so you’ll need somebody else to take care of the other entrances.

    Finally, the third thing I wanted to achieve was to get this map to be more frightening than the original one. The old map was more meant to be a relaxing and funny map, where you would LOL when you were seized by a zombie from behind. This map had to be a lot more stunning and creepy, and I didn’t want there to be any moment where you could relax and lean back: not when you spawn and have to pick your weapons, not when you walk around in the mine galleries or hold out in a safer spot, not even when you respawned after being infected. I had to put a lot of kill barriers at the infection respawn points because I didn’t want humans to be able to camp in there if they would be able to get in there. Most infection spawns are closed off because zombies can jump really high but humans can only jump for 25%, but still if there would be a way to get behind that rock or to jump on that platform, I wanted to force the humans to go back to the battlefield. This also helped me making it look like there’s more to the map by adding blocked gangways which can only be used by the zombies to get back on the map after they died. I added a few shortcuts as well so the zombies can head a person off if they’re after someone, but can’t be accessed by the humans. See if you can find these shortcuts!
    I’ve made special fx and to make it more dark but I created lights as well when I found a place to be too dark to get an eye on a running invisible zombie in time.
    The ceilings are low and there are a lot of turns so you will have to watch out when you turn, especially because you have no motion sensor. This is where the hologram can come in handy.
    Making the ceilings lower did mean that the usability of jumping so high when you’re a zombie got decreased, but thanks to the shortcuts it has a new purpose now.

    It is certainly terrifying to see so many zombies coming at you....

    [aname=Screenshots]Screenshots [/aname]
    Okay, now I’ve been wasting your time for hours talking about tiny details of the map you can click the spoiler to see some more screenshots. I’ll add more action shots later, I’ll have to record some more gameplay first. :S

    Here are some more screenshots of the map itself.












    Now it's about time for some more action shots.

    At the start humans will have some competition for the weapons. Make sure to rush because someone else won't hesitate picking up your favorite weapon if you don't.

    And there are more reasons why you shouldn't waste your time...

    Usual business: People picking their weapons, zombies hunting them from behind.

    Grenade Launchers are very effective on this map.

    Assault Rifles not so much.

    Life-and-undeath struggling.

    Check your corners by using the Hologram.

    Sometimes zombies will even ignore the real humans just to "kill" the hologram. (mouseover)

    Zombies will spawn at locations where humans can't get. But even if they would the soft kill zone will prevent them from camping.

    Like I said, Grenade Launchers can be very useful. (mouseover)

    It's certainly not impossible to get Double kills as a zombie.

    But sometimes a Triple is a little too much.

    Working together is the key to success for both humans and zombies.

    Going on your own isn't. (I can tell from my own experience :p)

    Terrifying picture, isn't it?

    The timeless struggle of human versus zombie

    Funny picture time!

    How you like my new armor effect? It's called "making-the-active-camo-useless"!

    Oh darling, how have I missed you lately! Gimme some huggin'!

    Catch this mine car! It's my present to you.

    I will eat you!

    This is why you should check first before going. (mouseover)

    Hope you liked the pictures! Click [jumpto=Screenshots]here[/jumpto] if you quickly want to hide the spoiler again.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    Check out these reviews and casual gameplay videos if you want to get a better taste of what the map looks and feels like!

    Here is a video by Insanmiac, for his Forge the Future Redux series!

    It also won the contest on Zip Zap Zop's channel!
    Contest Winner - Lone Souls in a Lost Mine - YouTube

    And the feature on The Halo Forge Epidemic!
    "Lone Souls in a Lost Mine" - YouTube

    Bonus clips
    Here's an extra clip with some intense fighting and usage of the grenade launcher. Hope you like it!

    This is meant just to give you an impression of what it looks like from human's perspective.


    Still not satisfied?
    Okay, okay, here are two full gameplays for you. :)



    Thank you for checking out my newest map, be sure to check my other creations if you haven’t already and I hope to see you soon when I’ll be presenting my newest map!

    Special thanks to

    - Oakley HiDef - voor helping me out a lot with perfecting this map -

    Download links
    Map – Lone Souls in a Lost Mine
    Gametype – Lone Souls

    12-31-2011; Added a new video (using Bungie Pro).

    02-05-2012; Updated the links.. for now.

    02-05-2012; Also added another video showing some of the new concept (humans have more health and such).

    03-01-2012; Added new screenshots, changed some text where needed and added a new video. New (and final) download links will come soon.

    06-21-2012; Changed the download links, so they'll send you over to halo.xbox.com now instead of the non-active bungie.net website.

    07-11-2012; Added the THFE review.

    07-13-2012; Added ZipZapZop's review + updated download links in thread itself.
    #1 REMkings, Dec 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2012
  2. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dude...this map is awesome! Nice detail put in to the map. It seems like this map was meant to be. The only thing i am concerned about is the turret but then what i do like is all the different passageways to get around and sneak up behind someone. I am definitely downloading and getting a game started. Nice work.
  3. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    The thumbnail for this map, those color effects would be amazing for this map. Obviously you tried your hardest by mixing color effects. I'm usually not an infection kind of guy. This seems to be an exception, the zombies have camo, but doesn't look like too much. +1
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you both for the comments!

    The color effect in the thumbnail is actually not even a color effect at all lol :)
    I took a picture at the exact right time in Theater mode to give some kind of dirty feeling to the screenshot.
    I was able to do this because I used two special fx on this map and one of them has some sort of tarnishing effect at some points, so the map starts to look brown for a split second. When you make a screenshot of the map at that moment you'll have a color effect without using any editing programs at all :D

    And indeed, the camo will only make the game experience better, so don't be afraid of imbalanced situations ;)

    I understand your concern about the turret but like you said yourself already there are plenty ways to sneak up on a guy when he's using the turret, so that won't be a problem when you do it right. Also, usually people would break the turret off and carry it to a place with better lines of sight so the placement of the turret doesn't matter that much anyway.
    #4 REMkings, Dec 2, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2011
  5. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    I think the map itself is nice, but your gametype is limiting its potential. I suggest youmake the gametype alpha zombies where only the alpha zombie is invisible
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's an idea, but I myself feel like every zombie should be invisible since they share the same fate :) Anyway, changing the aspect of active camo and creating a difference between invisible and non invisible zombies would cause a huge change in gameplay since some zombies are useless compared to others, and it would most likely confuse a lot of players, both humans and zombies. Other than that, the gametype is meant to be a better working variant of the old gametype so if I would change that I would pretty much change the whole concept of the old gametype. However, I used the Alpha Zombies gametype so people do have the possibility to change whatever settings they feel like changing instead of having to create a whole new gametype themselves in case they wanted to put a difference between Alpha Zombies and Infected Zombies. For that reason I usually modify the Alpha Zombies gametype and never the old, standard Infection gametype, just because it gives you more opportunities.

    And an important message to anyone reading this: [highlight] I will add new, improved links of both map and gametype in the next week! [/highlight] So if you downloaded this map or if you're about to download it, I suggest you wait for a few more days and check out the first post by that time to see if I already mentioned anything about a DL update (which I will, once I update it).

    EDIT: It's gonna take a little longer but make sure to keep this thread in sight because I will update it soon!
    #6 REMkings, Jan 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You said there's a 67% chance of the zombies here and 33% chance of them spawning here? Do you realize spawns are based off of other players locations. So there's no way you can predict the zombie spawns like that. I hope you have neutral respawns all over. Otherwise I would always know the two places zombies spawn.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ladies and gentlemen once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that the current download links are still the old ones! This map has been improved since I posted it because I found the old way it played wasn't fair enough for the humans. I'll put the new download links when I feel there's nothing left that needs fixing.

    EDIT: For now I will update the links anyway, with the newest versions, so you can download the newest map and gametype from now on. However, like I said a few comments above, I will mention it in the thread itself when the map and gametype are totally done and when the map has become the best I can get it to be. By then I will also re-new the thread and post new screenshots of both map lay-out and gameplay.

    EDIT: Bungie won't let me open up my fileshare, there are some errors on the site :(
    So those links will have to wait.

    EDIT: lol it's working again now. Finally. I will update the links in a second

    And @ZipZapZop: I appreciate that a lot, thanks for the kind words. :) I think the new map and gametype play fine, but there might be some little issues which could use tweaking. I haven't heard from Oakley HiDef for some time now but maybe he can help me out to get those things fixed as well.

    Don't worry, I was talking about the initial spawns for the zombies ;)
    There are actually a ton of zombie respawns on the map, there's no way you could ever tell where a zombie would spawn. Most of the spawns are also covered in some way so zombies won't get spawn-killed.
    And there are 10 initial spawns above the map, near to the pit, and 5 in the map itself. So there's a 67% chance of spawning next to the pit.
    But thanks for your caring thoughts :)
    #8 REMkings, Feb 4, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  9. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Gotcha. Didnt know you were talking about initial spawns
  10. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    I recently hosted this at a somewhat recent halo party (well it was around Christmas) and I've been meaning to post my impressions ever since. There's no doubt that the mine shaft theme provides excellent atmosphere for a zombies game, but I can still see some improvement. The blue initial spawns above the mine don't really seem necessary, as the zombies generally spawned as far away as possible from the humans in our experience, and those extra shield doors could be used to make sure more zombie spawns aren't accessible after spawning and that all the respawn areas are easily exited for all players zombie or not (especially when a bunch of punks wanted to play swat in the mine, which actually went rather well.) And although I like the weapons placed, I feel like they should be more spread around to promote exploring the mine. I also thought that the weapons had too many clips in them to start and they also shouldn't respawn, at least not too quickly. Some of these changes I took the liberty to experiment with before and after the party to help make the map more my speed.
    Overall, excellent map and atmosphere, the old timey filter works great, but weapons and spawns need some improvement, at least over the version I played and edited. Keep it up!
  11. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Do you mean the old timey fx or the next gen fx?
    Because if you're talking about the old timey one, you must have played on the oldest variant of this map that I put on ForgeHub and a lot of things have changed since then ;P

    In that case I'd definitely recommend downloading the new links I added a little while ago, the new map and gametype are far more improved and balanced in general. Weapons don't have a lot of clips anymore, weapons are spread around the map, weapons don't respawn (but they never did from the beginning anyway so that wasn't changed), old timey has removed (a tip provided to me by Oakley HiDef / RivalMass which I think turned out fairly well, now that the next gen effect is the only one I still use on this map) and the shields are used in a better way.
    Most important change: humans have more health and do more damage, so now the rounds last a little longer and it's a little easier for the humans to survive for some period.

    Seriously, I thank you for your feedback but you should definitely check out the new links!!

    lol I should try out SWAT myself sometime :p
  12. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This map can be creepy has hell. Great gameplay experience, I enjoyed it alot with the meager 8-man lobby I managed to muster. I almost wonder what it would be like with a purple on... Lol.

    Nice work.
  13. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think .. Death and Destruction :p

    Thanks. :)
  14. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map is great, it's probably the best infection map out there. I never have seen anyone spend so much time testing one map. I've seen it win many contests, and it has amazing aesthetics and gameplay. I really think more people should download it. It's really creepy, yet fair and it (in my opinion) deserves a lot more attention. Great job.
  15. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the kind words Beybok! (I already told you this but still.)

    Updated the thread with the THFE feature video! Very glad with this one, thorough review. :)

    "Lone Souls in a Lost Mine" - YouTube
  16. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    this look pretty cool ima try it.. add me on xbox for custum games im gona try and get a lobby going tonight.. GT: aNtiKkZz
  17. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol friends list is pretty much full all the time. :p
    You should add the THFE gamertags, if they're not already full.
  18. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Ok, I really like the dark cave setting of the map, combined with the active camo on the zombies, You would easily have to Keep your eyes peeled even in the holdout zones. (I saw something similar happen in one of them vids about the camo). Authentically, it looks amazing, no surprise you ran out of budget with the features that were put in the map. Yet even with the fancy authentics, the map looks like it plays brilliant. Good Job.
  19. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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