So I've just registered, and this is my first post and seeing as everyone on Forgehub is extremely friendly I have a small question which I assume that someone will be able to answer - Now dun be calling me a nub just because the question may seem somewhat noobish... *AHEM!* So in Forge, me and a friend do the 'cloning' glitch to see if we could get it working, only problem is, my friend can see the clone of either myself or him standing, but I can't see the clone...any ideas? :eod:
Hmm, I have no clue on that one, are you sure you are looking at the same map? Either that, or he's lieing, but I don't know him so that might be a possibility. I am not sure since I personally have never done the cloning glitch.
nope definetely not bending the truth XD Thing is, I invited another friend in, and he could see it aswell. Bamboozles me tbh
okay, you have to be host to see them, but you can both view them in theater afterwards! hope that helped
Well, since he had someone else join, and they could see it, that's obviously not correct, unless you guys weren't all three in the same party at the same time.
Would I be able to do this glitch solo? Like I perform it correctly, and I'd be able to see it, even if I was the only one there?
it may be because u werent host, or were u? most glitchs/mods only host can see, but there are some that only other players can see. hopefully that helped.
A lot of glitches like this don't work if you are host. I've shown quite a few glitches and modded maps to my friends while I was the host, however none of the content was visible to myself. Really it depends on what exactly your doing, and it seems for this glitch, you can't be the host. Hope that helped. =)
I got it working - I just performed the glitch myself, and it worked fine - however I was wanting to have the clones in my map after I made them and then saving and loading it to play with friends - but I'm guessing to do that; it has to be a mod?
The Host is the player who sets up the match, and which other players join. eg: let's call our Host - Frank. and our Joiners - Tom, **** and Harry. Scenario: Frank is sitting in the 'Custom Games' lobby choosing a map and game variant. After choosing the desired map and variant he would send an invite to Tom, **** and Harry via the Xbox Guide. OR alternatively, Frank could say to the Joiners before-hand - "I'll be holding a game of *such and such* on the map *so and so* at 9pm. Join the game so we can have a good match" And then from their Xbox guides, Tom, **** and harry would select 'Join Session in Progress' from Franks Gamertag - thus making him host as they all join HIS game. Think I overdid it? - Maybe I should've been more basic lol ^ Hope that helps
Mod means modification: and it's usually when players in some way 'hack the system' and do things that they shouldn't be. People 'mod' maps - like High Ground for example, where they'll somehow cause the big gates to be lying all over the beach, have Tank turrets on the backs of Mongooses, and other weird things like that.