Killed with Mauler from across the Map k sooooooo i figured what the hell on sharing this with you guys, here's two film clips from my file share that you should prolly take a look at, and since most of you wont ill just tell you what happened so you at least know the story :] So I was minding my own business during matchmaking MLG team slayer inside the Sniper spawn room on the pit, when out of nowhere I died, just like that. At first I thought i got sniped, but I had my doubts, so i checked in theater mode and saw that nobody was around me, I didnt get sniped, I just plain ol' died out of nowhere. I saw the name of the guy who killed me, so I looked around the map for him, and to my dismay, i found him all the way across the map on the opposite side in the shotgun room. He had just killed another guy with a mauler, scoring him a double kill. was it hax? was it 1337 skillz? glitch maybe? lolwhoknows :/'s the link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and another one...same game actually, where I was in the same spot from last clip. the sniper room on The pit, when I died out of nowhere by the guardians. I checked to see what had happend, and saw that a teammate spawned on the outside wall next to me..... and somehow killed me in the process of his yeah. link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing k thats all i got for now. but that first one, wow. i almost want to make a video out of it just to show people cause if you have to download it, most people wont take the time. i wouldn't ;P
Could you please put them on gamevee? They sound pretty interesting, but noone will bother downloading them probably. Including me. If you cant, Ill do it for ya.
Thanks Toochie. Will edit with lols. EDIT: That room doesn't seem to have a liking for you. Also, why do you tend to fall asleep during MLG games hmmm?
That is so crazy! Honestly, I wish that would happen to me because that is just amazing and strange... Wow I don't think I'll ever be able to get over how strange that was. Was the game laggy and did it happen out of lag?
Wow, that is just confusing. Maybe a mauler bullet bounced across the map and hit you in the face? Lol IDK. What do maulers shoot anyway? Bullets?
Did you at any point cross over that bit where the guy with the mauler shot 'you' about 2-5 minutes before your retarded death? If so, to them, (you're invisible) you'd be walking straight into that wall. xD Anyway, I have to say that's pretty hilarious and strange at the same time.