A lot of these seem to have the same kind of atrium and feel to them. None are quite my style, but hopefully people take them in some interesting directions.
Eh, they're just concepts that I have tried over and over in different ways to try to increase my chances of success. They're all quite different. @never- Yeah, I'll give you it, again.
I was having issues downloading sable.i can't get it offline so I went in game and went to fileshare search I tried several times to put in your gamer tag Mingolikesmen and it keeps telling me that's not a real gt.what Is the Map tagged as?
Lmfao. My GT is actually: iEightball. I made my GT "mingolikesmen" as a joke towards Confused Flamingo. Sorry about that.
Sable is now up for re-adoption. Check it out, and come back and notify me if you want to adopt it. Thanks.