Some of you may say it looks like I copied off LOCK. Well, I looked at his new tags, I like them. SO, I took it and made it my own. I guess. Hopefully he won't be mad. >_<
It's about time you change your signature. Yay! Now I can CnC. It's not as good as LOCK's, but I really like it.
Similar Color Scheme √ City Background √ C4D's √ Full Face X Nah im kidding, i really like this tag. Has some good color, nice and sharp, and good lights/effects. Its a little too contrasted though, and not to sound like a **** and i know its because of the stock, but the right side of his face (or the lack of it) is really annoying me, but, you did do a good job blending it. [edit] NO MOAR COLOR!? : ( So far though, one of the best to be entered.
Good clipping mask(s). If that's what that is, at least. Looks a bit confusing, but I like it. I think the colored version is better.