Just put this on Youtube, hoping to piss off some CoD fans. PLZ vote up and comment! YouTube - LEAKED! Halo vs. Cod CG TRAILER!! (Legit)
1 word lol (wait or is that 3?) anyway's. Im totally gonna start a troll fest on your youtube video if you dont mind. feel free to watch. PS. My comments are from ParasiteS27
LOL that's awesome. CoD fans are gonna be mauling that vid with retarded, defensive comments I can already see the war in the vid's comments...
WARNING: This video contains highly dangerous amounts of win, and the comments may contain the following: COD Fanboys, Halo players and trolls.
Well this is stupid. Another useless flame war that'll sputter out and die and only prove that you're an idiot.
D'see me mention anything about videogames at all? Then there's your answer. I'm remarking about OP's choice to intentionally troll. It's stupid, there's no need and only shows his lack of maturity. And honestly (as immortalized by Reynbow), ****'s the point?
I feel like I've lost braincells from watching this, you pretty much come off as being a rabid fanboy because of this video. Haters gonna hate?
You would ulti-fail the 4chan initiation --- Thanks, that's the whole idea! I could sit down for hours and have a deep and intelligent discussion about the two series as well as franchise loyalty as a whole, but sometime's it's just fun to make people mad and how better to do that than pretend to be a stupid and opinionated eight year old?