Okay so this is my latest map of a long line of roughly 30 now. Although the idea my own original idea, this is actually a remake of a map i made early this year (which i didn’t really promote too much due to laziness). This map is set up for normal play, unlike the originally posted “MLG Locus� (which obviously will not appeal to as many people). You will instantly see how clean and tidy this map is when you load it up. (I will basically re-place objects over and over and over again until they are merged as nicely as possible.) You will also see that it is (as much as possible) very smooth to move around from one object to the next. Oh, and this map, as with all of my maps, is completely inescapable. The version linked here will support all gametypes. And if you prefer to play MLG, you can Download my MLG version at this link. You may notice that you are DL'ing it from Feignz's fileshare and yet it says the author is SuperFeiGn. SuperFeiGn is the account i use to play on (and the Bnet name I usually use), and Feignz is a Silver account with Bungie Pro that i use to carry any files i want to share. DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY! Please check out these screenshots of Locus: DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY! Any feedback is welcome. I don't care if you tell me you hate it, i'd rather just know what people think. So, what do you think?
looks nice, not much cover from rocks available from what i can see. Is reaching rocks just straight forward jump jump jump to the top?
Yeah, the Rockets are the must-have weapon on this map. Nothing else could really sit up there weapon-wise due to the layout and other weapons on the map. BTW: Weapons on map: 1x Rocket Launcher (2 clips, 90 sec respawn) 2x Shotgun (1 clip, 60 sec respawn) 4x Battle Rifle (3 clips, 45 sec respawn) 2x SMG (3 clips, 30 sec respawn) 2x Plasma Rifle (30 sec respawn) 2x Sentinel Beam (45 sec respawn) 4x Frag Grenade (30 sec respawn) 12x Plasma Grenade (30 sec respawn) There are many ways to get up to the top of the central structure. You can either jump up from right down at the bottom or you can do a fairly tricky jump from the sides (above the teleports) to the ring. Or, you can jump to the ring from the walls that extend out of each side of both bases.
I think this map looks great. The only thing to my concern is the weapon chioce. An ocasional power weapon hear and there is nice. But you have many and there are duplicts of most. Plasma pistols might be a crapy weapon but in a combo is deadly. Brute shots are also nice choices along with equipment. The only problem with this many power weapons is that if you get two good weapons, which sounds easy to do hear, you could kill people before they get any weapons. Other than the weapons, I really like the map!
This map looks great. There are alot of good, killer weapons but that just makes the game a little more challenging and fun.
I don't see the resemblance to Backwash... This is a really good map though, although it only works well with small parties. I like the design of the middle, which is original and well put toghether for gameplay.
I love this. It's clean and simple looking, and it shows a lot of balance. However, it's kinda odd that the Camo and the Overshield are right next to each other. Other than that, nice job.
This map was really fun. the central rocket was win. Also, how did you get the powerups embedded so well in the walls? I need to lern teh secrits frum u.
played a 5 man ffa in tehre last night, really enjoyable. Not much cover agreed but a fun map & v.good looking centre-piece. Any plans for a re-vamp?