Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by XEcUtiONeR, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. XEcUtiONeR

    XEcUtiONeR Forerunner

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    Lockout (Version 2.0)

    Hey again, guys and girls. After seeing many attempts at recreating Lockout in Halo: Reach's new and improved Forge and frankly, not being truly content with any of them (I'm a major perfectionist), I decided to give it a go myself.

    After receiving the bits and bobs of feedback from the first version, I went back into Forge and now here we are with Lockout V2.0!


    Updates for V2.0:

    • Complete reconstruction of the middle section to bring it upto the original size
    • Included Door Frame Jumps (They are two stage jumps as opposed to Halo 2's one)
    • General alignment of objects/smoothing across the map
    • Oddball Support (More gametype support to come when I figure out how they work!)
    • Framerate drop reduction
    • Edited weapon times
    • Added more original spawn points

    Weapon List:

    3x Magnum
    2x DMR (In place of Battle Rifle)
    2x Plasma Rifle
    1x Assault Rifle (In place of SMG)
    1x Needler
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Energy Sword
    1x Sniper Rifle
    4x Frag Grenade
    4x Plasma Grenade

    My intent with this map was to create a Lockout that had all the same mechanics and trick jumps as the original as well as being the most aesthetically accurate. For the most part, I believe I achieved my goal! Door jumps are now included as of 2.0, but I had to go a bit ad-lib with the support beams (ran out of pieces AND money >_<) but I believe overall it to be one of the most accurate iterations of Lockout out there.

    Anyway, enough of the talk, here is what you want... pictures!

    View from Sniper Tower and new mid-section:


    Top Blue:

    Bottom Blue:

    Green Tunnel:

    Below Glass:

    Sword Ramp:

    Sniper Tower again:

    View of the Support Beams:

    Overhead view:

    Door Jump in action:

    Coming over the door frame from Elbow to Snipe 2[​IMG]

    Anyway, there you go ladies and gents! Let me know what you think!
    I really want to hear any and all feedback on this as I want to make this map the best it can be.

    Cheers again everyone,


    - X.
    #1 XEcUtiONeR, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice! I like it alot! I like how you made the support beems connect to the rocks above. But here are the two things that are off on your map. The center is smaller than the original and the sword ramp is not touching the other ramp, there is a small gap. Besides those things, I believe that this is a very good remake. I like how you made it aesthetically pleasing and on most flawless in how proportionate things are. I am most impressed with blue bottom and green tunnel. Most people do not make those section 100% identical but you made it spot on! Great job.. P.S. could you add a weapon list?
  3. XEcUtiONeR

    XEcUtiONeR Forerunner

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    Weapon list added :)

    And the gap between the ramps at the sword ramp is there in the original :) I remember falling down it >_<


    Size of the middle duly noted though! Thank you :)

    V2.0 Now up with new improvements :)

    - X.
    #3 XEcUtiONeR, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  4. Bart Laan

    Bart Laan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks amazing, downloading now!
    Oh, and LOVE the support beams btw. Glad FINALLY someone figured out that the seacave is PERFECT for a lockout remake.
    Edit: Oh, and can you do the jump from top-mid to sniper ramp?
    #4 Bart Laan, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  5. XEcUtiONeR

    XEcUtiONeR Forerunner

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    Cheers Bart :D
    Yeah, you can indeed do the jump from top-mid to sniper :)
    Most trick jumps can be done, with the exception of one jump from the ramp leading to bottom blue to the ramp from bottom mid to bottom sniper (if you understand which one i mean :p)

    But thank you for the DL and feedback :)

    - X.
  6. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Finally, somebody did it correctly. I love you.

  7. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    I just got done looking through this map and it is well made and one of the best looking Lockout remakes. Haven't had a chance to look at it side by side with 3 yet, but depth and compensated jump height works great.
  8. XEcUtiONeR

    XEcUtiONeR Forerunner

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    Woot, I'm loved :D haha!

    But thanks guys :) I've put a fair bit of effort into getting this as close to the original as possible. If there are any bits that you think may need improving, just let me know and I'll crank out an updated version!

    - X.
  9. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    Well, speaking on the whole perfectionist front, my only suggestion as frustrating as it is, is to take the time to tweak the center platforms just right. I understand the reasoning for the height difference so there is no z fighting and how irritating it can be to try and mesh two blocks together for depth, but avoid the z fighting shimmy. What I have found to do is tap the bumpers back and forth of the level you want it and hit A to release just before it hits the flush coordinate. In looking at the center it looks like the blocks are a .02 off from being flush, when I think you could get it as close as .01 off from being flush and you still wouldn't see the z fighting and you wouldn't have as much of a line dividing the middle. That's all just on perfectionist tweaks though. Aside from that everything locked together well. I'll take a look at it compared to 3 next week and give any helpful suggestion I can if I see any.

    And I don't mean in coordinate editor .1 distance, I'm talking in 10ths of that measurement. That in between 95.6 and 95.7 you have 95.61,95.62 ect.
    #9 QTheDukeQ, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  10. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The only thing that seems funny to me on this map is how the sniper tower extends out far enough so that if a player stands on the edge, the fusion coils are farther away. I think this would make it too easy to escape the imminent explosion if someone were to throw a grenade by hopping into the middle.

    Great remake of the best asymmetrical map ever!
  11. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    The fusion coils sldnt respawn-thats how it was like in h2.
  12. XEcUtiONeR

    XEcUtiONeR Forerunner

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    Ahh yes, the RB+A trick :) Used it generously throughout the map haha. I'll go back to the center platform and readjust it to within .01 tolerances. Thanks for the feedback mate :)


    Also a very good suggestion. I'll see what I can do about pulling in the ledge a bit. Only problem is with the fusion coils themselves, not being the all powerful deathbringers they were, and now being more of a nuisance than anything :/ I'll try find a happy medium though :)


    Thanks for pointing that out. I was always under the impression they did >_<
    My memory must be getting sketchy already :/

    Anyway, cheers again guys for the feedback :D

    - X.
    #12 XEcUtiONeR, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  13. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks awesome, but has serious framerate issues. In a few places.
  14. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    save the dude some time and tell him WHERE :p

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