lockdown Link to download map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Lockdown image one This is my first ever map to get published on forge hub so if I appear n00bish at times im sorry. This map is a medium sized map that can be used on: Slayer, oddball, King of the hill and Capture the flag. As you can see in the picture there is a pretty big bridge that runs straight across the middle. this can be accessed by either of the grav lifts on each teams spawn side, the grav lift machine ( the teleporters made in a circle) or any of the boxes that can be climbed On the right there is a small room that either side can access easily with a shield door in the middle. On the right in the picture you will find a big open space that has many objects that can be used as cover . Now I guess you would like to know where the weapons spawn... If you look at the picture I showed you earlier the main weapons you will look for are: the rocket launcher which is found in the shield door in the right of the picture the gravity hammer which is found in the middle of the bridge the sentinal beam which is in the open box that you access by jumping from the bridge the snipers these are found either side of the bridge Now I really feel this is a great map, which is why I made an account to show it off!!! It would be great to get feed back on how its played for you. and now I leave you with a final picture
I like it, in a nutshell. I have two main problems though: - You can probably escape the map without even grenade jumping. - You didn't provide any action shots, which suggests you haven't tested it, though I may be wrong.
Yes JFox is correct, where the mancannon is you can simply jump on the fence.. then onto the wall then your out.
Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown ... just a few Maps with a similar Name. You need to get more creative with your Map Names and the Map's Layout itself, maybe Forging 101 and later 201 will help you, also Forge Discussion is a great Way to find out weather the Maps Name has been used before, or you could at least Search it. Your Thread looks really bad on my screen, the black text on my gray background is hard to read and hurts my eyes, I don't want to have the whole text hilighted before I'm able to read something. Also, why is everything underlined? As mentioned, the Map's Design looks pretty basic (101 and 201 .. now!), it's escapable and the number of powerweapons for such a small Map may be problematic (I haven't played it and I won't get anyone to play it with me) How did it work during your testing?
Well it worked out pretty well i tested with a friend and normally we're pretty good with finding all the glitches and bugs but i posted it up so others can have a look, ill probably work on it some more. But at the moment im finnishing up on my A levels so i pretty much only get to work on my maps for a short amount of time. Your comment on it being pretty basic....well i personaly feel differently. This map to make took 1-2 hours but i took a good while looking at other maps and drawing out a map onto paper for me to work on. Which is actually a first for me to design the map before building. I made it so it would be easy for someone to remember where everything is...if that to you is basic then Ok. With the writing, this is the first time ive ever made one so i think i forgot to put an [/u] at some point but it will get fixed now on to the bits ive changed but will either edit this one or make a new post which im much more likely to do ive now fixed EVERY glitch n bug in the map, ive also deleted all the weapons and put new ones in which seem more fair. ive also added a few new bits in to make it more interesting. now the last issue the name.... me and the rest of the team are thinking a lot about this and will add it up soon --- im thinking ive found a good name now, just doing some finnishing touches had to do a bit of reasearch to get a name though and its related to a real place