
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by iTs_NeXn, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    This. Map. Looks. AWESOME! Looks really clean and nice. Can't wait to play it DLing!
  2. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I love the map. I was just wondering if you are going to do a different weapon config. like Chill out. the reason is my friend don't like to do MLG customs and they would this map if you had like a through back H2 weapon set I think. Other then that I love this map.
  3. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I agree with IT. I really like the map geometry, but the map's weapons were the weakest point. Also, how the hell did you merge that double box with the crane? You deserve some sorta medal for that.
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Ok, thanks man, kinda sorta like interlocking but...i get it, nvm :p
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You've done an excellent job, gentlemen. I'm really impressed that you were able to make this without budget glitching the map. There's $8 left, so one could throw in a couple (or 4) of extra weapons if the MLG stuff isn't your bag. The merged surfaces are very smooth to run on, but a couple of the stairs give you that hiccup when you go down. Not really a big deal, though. Great job, guys. Thanks for bringing this here for us to enjoy.
  6. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I don't think you can expect a better weapon set for an MLG map of this size. For MLG Foundry maps, you can't really have more than BRs, Carbines, Mauler(s). On a few maps, a sniper and rockets work, but this maps weapon set is perfect. The map was designed specifically for MLG, and if you want, you can throw down some weapons on your own. I don't think this map should have the v1 thrown on the end because it is perfect right now. I wish that I had something to critique to make my review interesting, but this map is real deal. My favorite feature is the A and B signs interlocked together. KC needs to give this map a look, right now.
  7. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    i'm rude, who got banned here again?

    I know who you are, I just didn't like chill out because all you did was make a solid remake. I also don't appreciate you sticking your ego in the air, you seem quite pleased with yourself and your little "stats." May I remind you that this is only halo, and that has pretty much no real translation to actual life, you know where you breathe and don't click a to jump, and hang out with friends. But considering you spent about '100 hours' on this map, I doubt you'd be too familiar with that either, buddy. So next time, keep your self righteous crap in your pocket, k? thnx.
    #27 bnasty574, Apr 17, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  8. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Wow Im not even gonna say anything
  9. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Alright bro, lets see you back this all up with your myspace.
    But really bro, we probably put about 30+ hours into it including testing times. Exaggerated on it a bit with the 100.
    #29 iTs_NeXn, Apr 17, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well, you have made a well balanced and playable map. Your interlocking is excellent, making good use of your forge knowledge. And it just looks great and definately well all around.
  11. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Nexn, this map is amazing, I still have MLG Chill Out on my HDD.

    Bnasty, take your flaming somewhere else. Either discuss the map or don't post in this thread at all.
  12. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    you don't even have my myspace. . . .

    and oh man, i LOVE pissing you off.


    great map love it <3333333333333
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Then PM him and do it. Save the juvenile crap for the bnet boards and leave it out of the map threads here, please.
  14. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    not MLG 4v4!
  15. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    I was asking for a link to your myspace..
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah I had a great time playing 2v2s on this map today, the screens don't do the map justice, its really clean and awesome.

    Great job
  17. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    This map needs to be picked up immediately. It was especially fun when I dropped the 14 kill streak on Trooper :p.
  18. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    If you would cease from ending every sentence with bro, stop flaunting your first map, and stop this senseless argument with Brian(now you're asking for his Myspace, wtf? It's not that important), I might hold some respect for you as something other than a map maker.
    Now that I've gone off topic, this map looks bestial for MLG, I was expecting to see some stupid Blackout crap pile, but I am surprised, I am an MLG lover, even though I don't support the Tournaments, after playing this, I might even decide to create an MLG Gameroom account and petition for it to be included in the MM playlists.
    BTW, did you post this on MLG gameroom, if not, you should.
  19. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Alright guys,
    before I go into a review of this map I want to say to everyone reading this that Nexn is probably one of or if not my favorite forge map designer, I think chill out V3 is the best forge map map still to date. Yes I said that, You can say what you want about remakes and what it requires to make one, but it is beautiful and perfectly reminiscent of exciting game play just like the original was. It also had great aesthetics as well.
    I love Nexn to death, and he knows this, I have PMd him more than just a few times. He knows how high I hold him...

    But about this map... It is a very good map! but I was a little let down from it, maybe because I hold you so high above the rest, I know I have read here it is flawless in the construction, but I saw more than 4 flaws in the pics alone, I downloaded and found even more, The merging with map geo is very hard, Its almost never perfect, so I just say if you can avoid doing it, then avoid doing. Because it to was not always perfect.(what I mean by perfect is perpendicular and parallel when its suppose to be) For some one like you, I think it needs to be perfect or just don't do it at all. I don't care if others do it and its off, I guess I grade on a curve. But I have a question, Like I said I saw so things that where off, not perpendicular when they where suppose to be, just a little off, or the interlocking was not laid out in correct order. But my question about all that is is that all a mess up from the download or loading, like sometimes its off, sometimes its not? I tried loading it up a few times and still saw the same things. I'm wondering how much that happens and how it happens? Not sure if anyone understands that. My other problem is that it is very uninteresting as far as looks or aesthetics goes. I know its suppose to be a more competitive map than anything so I guess that's why. I'm very big on looks, Its hard and almost impossible for some to make a high, high quality map covering AMAZING gameplay and AMAZING aesthetics with out the budget glitch, Chillout v3 had it, the boxes above, everything, just everything was just amazing yet simple. I commend you for trying it with out the glitch, I think you did as good as you could probably get. It just lacked an appeal to me. Game play is good and smooth which of course would be but it really didn't WOW me and I deleted it, It reminded me of a cross between the 2 MLG maps already out. One the take on wizard and the other a kind of take of midship, in some respects. It really just didn't wow me enough in a different way to say Ill have another map like one of those 2 MLG maps you know what I mean?

    There are a few things that I would like to mention that to those that are still reading this who still care what I have to say, its a good thing, a tip and hope you put it to use. I think something that is greatly overlooked with forging double boxes on foundry is the globe/eagle marine logo on them. You need to be aware of which side is facing which side. It is a small detail that all forgers should be aware of, It IS a part of aesthetics. One side has the large logo and the other the small one, an area needs to be using the same side showing if possible at all times. In picture 4 you can see what I mean. The same side of the boxs needs to be used when ever possible, I personally prefer using the small one showing on doubles and when using singles I use the blank side, why you ask? because the small logos are not in the same place on doubles and singles. one is high and the other is centered. The other thing I mentioned earlier is making sure interlocking goes down in the right order. If I have one single box in the center, and one single box on each side interlocking making a (/-\) kind of shape from the top. sorry, best I could do. I would suggest making the the (-) be over or under the other two angled single boxes, This too is apart of aesthetics. Now mind you something I noticed, It some times changes, so I would suggest that you load up the map many times to make sure it doesn't, If it is perfect it will not. I hope that you guys understand what I meant by all that, I think this is more of a tip and maybe should be moved by a mod to someplace useful.

    This part directed to Nexn:
    I hope you take this post as the biggest compliment I could possibly give, maybe not to this map in particular but to you, You put out amazing stuff and the work shows you are one of the top, hand down in my opinion. This map just was not what I wanted. If some one else made this map I would just say , "nice job man." I hold you so much higher. Someone wrote to Draw The Line in the shoutbox and said something like, "I'm glad I don't have that damm train to live up to every time." I loved that! So when reading this... Think of that, because the work on this map you guys did by itself still is better than 80% of the work here. I dont want you or anyone thinking Im taklking down or bad on you. As a personal request I would like to see a map that just blows me away aesthetically with solid game play. Make it realistic and great gameplay. This one to me just had good forge skills and gameplay. Thats why to me its hard to make a high, high class map that has all of it with out the budget glitch. Anyways I probably said too much. Im sorry for doing that. Its still a good map, and your still great Nexn...
    Shock Theta likes this.
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I know that sometimes things seem to be a little off after I save/quit, especially mancannon trajectories.

    I thought I was the only one who worried about that sort of thing. But I don't think it's big enough to complain about. I know you like the map though. I guess you know you have a solid map when people start complaining about which logo is facing where, lol.

    Anyway, to my own comments

    I think the map looks amazing. I haven't played it yet, but it looks great. The spots where you merged a wall into the "bay doors" to prevent people from falling down there gave me a Forge-gasm. Nice job on all the interlocking and merging.

    I love jumping from the central peninsula to the vertical barriers next to the A/B Signs. It's a difficult jump, but one hell of a shortcut. Was that intentional, or just a nice coincidence?

    Also, there are some interlocked doors below the top carbine location that are confusing me. I like the ones that are set up for jumping up, but these two are horizontal and you can only see the corners. As far as I can tell, they aren't there for jumping purposes. What gives?

    Finally, I don't care for the MLG weapon set. I prefer my Halo to be a little more wild, so I'll probably change some weapons around for my own personal tastes. Any suggestions? (You could always do what sendernode did with Different Level and make another version for us noobs.)

    I didn't read the whole thread, so apologies if any of that has been brought up already. Great map.
    #40 Furious D 18, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008

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