Sandbox Lobby Lounge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CheeseJam, May 3, 2009.

  1. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Lobby Lounge

    Do you ever find yourself bored waiting for your friend to finish his match? Do your buddies and you ever have to sit in the lobby waiting for more people to join with nothing to do? Is 1 vs. 1 on MLG Guardian getting old to burn time on? Well, I have your answer in the form of a map, Lobby Lounge.

    Lobby Lounge is a map on Sandbox that utilizes all levels of the map. Within Lobby Lounge are multiple minigames. Instead of a map dedicated to only Duck Hunt, Demo Derby, or Paintball, this map has them all (almost ;) ). Minigames included: Target Practice, Duck Hunt, Golf, Paintball, Tremors, Demo Derby, Skull Steal, and UnbeatablCours.5.

    Target Practice: This is a minigame to brush up your shooting and grenade skills on. Fusion Coils fall, fling, and fly through the air, dodging your shots. Pallets are suspended in air awaiting to be hit by a grenade. All grenades are available, but Spike Grenades are the best to test your aim with because they stick to the Pallets. The weapons available are: Battle Rifle, Carbine, Rocket Launcher, Magnum, Brute Shot, Spartan Laser, and you spawn with a sniper. You get unlimited ammo, and everything instantly respawns. There is a Mongoose to drive back and fourth on the raised platform on. While your buddy drives, you can try to get some skillful no-scopes, or some amazing lasers. Want to go even more extreme? Use a Gravity Lift for mid air shots, drive beneath the shooting Fusion Coils, or fly along side the explosives on the Man-Cannons.

    This gametype is fun for 1-16 players. It is a good one to play by yourself, or drive around on with a friend. I found myself having the most fun driving on the bottom going off of the Man-Cannons, all while shooting Fusion Coils with my Sniper!


    Sniping a Fusion Coil.

    Lasering while cruising.

    Duck Hunt: This seems to be a fan favorite for custom gamers. The object is simple: Get from point A to point B without getting killed by the Hunter. The Hunter is invincible, instant kills, uses a sniper, and has high gravity (so he can't escape). These traits are given to him when he jumps into the Custom Powerup. The Ducks must go through the teleporter at the top (behind the Warthogs) to get into the starting position. Using cover, skill, and a few Deployable Covers, the Ducks must make it to the end, and defeat the Hunter. When a Duck makes it to the end, it gets a custom powerup so it can't die, and a Rocket Launcher. To defeat the Hunter, ducks must shoot him with the Rocket Launcher, making him fall to his death!

    This Duck Hunt is rather short, but still fun. It is designed to work in a 1 vs. 1 situation, or more if the sniper is good. Use a Plasma Pistol to mix things up if you want!


    Just missed him!

    The Hunter has been defeated.

    Paintball: Paintball takes place in a arena with various cover. The arena is the "Hill" in the gametype that goes with this map. The traits you get while inside are: Limited ammo, 150% speed, instant kill, and no radar. When participating in this game, use only Plasma Pistols.

    Paintball works fantastic for 2-16 players. The action is fast and taking cover is essential. There is also a key Bubble Shield in the middle for instant defense.


    Incoming plasma!

    I have you now!

    Golf: The object of Golf is to get the ball into the cup in as few of shots as possible, while evoiding the obstacles. Unfortunately, Golf Clubs refused to cooperate on this map, so Gravity Hammers had to be used. My record is 3 strokes, can you beat it? This minigame works with 1-2 players, and includes a complimentary golf cart!


    Two golfers cruising to their shots.

    Hole in three one!

    Tremors: The object of Tremors is to go from one Flare to another, without getting splattered. One person drives the Ghost and tries to splatter the jumpers, no shooting (Same goes for the jumpers!)! The jumpers have to jump on objects and fake out the ghost to get from Flare to Flare. Jumpers are safe on objects and luckily cannot get splattered by the Ghost. Flares can also be used to confuse the Ghost.

    This minigame works with 2-16 players. There is a second Ghost if there are too many people. This game can be very hard or almost easy, depending on how good of a jumper and faker you are. There are also two sets of two-way teleporters to help jumpers fake out the Ghosts. See how many time you can get back and forth without dieing!


    I choose you Flare!

    Uh oh....

    UnbeatablCours.5: This medium length jump course is the prequel to my UnbeatablCours obstacle course series. It may not be as long or as difficult as its parents, but it is still fun. You must do regular, equipment, Man-Cannon, and slide jumps to become victorious and win a luxurious Hornet. I don't want to give anything away, but I would rate this course a 7/10 in terms of difficulty, with 10 be the hardest course ever, and 1 being the easiest course ever. Sometimes if you mess up, you have to start all over again, so be careful!

    Note: No outside weapons, equiptment, or vehicles are needed, other then what you spawn with.


    Last secton of the course.

    "So that's how you do it..."


    #1 CheeseJam, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  2. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Demo Derby: This has always been a minigame favorite of mine. Everyone gets into Warthogs and tries to knock eachother off of the floating platform without dieing. Last man standing wins! No shooting or jacking vehicles is allowed! I added my own twist too, a invisible "bump" in the middle of the arena that will turn a ":)" into a ":(" just like that! This minigame is 2-4 players.


    Hump de bump.

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooo! :(

    Skull Steal: The object of this game is to capture the hidden skull on Sandbox without the Guardians killing you. Now the skull isn't actually there in this game, but the object is to get where it would be, alive. Once you finish you teleport back to a safe area. You must dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge to survive. There is a bit of cover and two Bubble Shields to aid you. This is no easy task I warn you. It is short, but packs a bunch! I rate it a 5/10 on the difficulty scale. No outside equipment, weapons, or vehicle are necessary to win.


    The hardest part....


    Entire Map: This map took about 15 hours of work, but it was fun to make (especially Skull Steal). The default setting are: no shields, Sniper and Plasma Pistol start, no grenades, and normal everything else. Some of the minigames will not work work properly without the gametype, "Wobby Wounge". Thank you to The Atrain 11 for testing help!

    The teleport system. On each level there are three teleporters. The highest one will always take you to the Skybubble, middle to the Middle Level, and bottom to the Crypt.

    Skybubble Overview

    Middle Level overview.

    Crypt overview.


    Map: Lobby Lounge

    Gametype: Wobby Wounge

    Let me know what you guys think. Any feedback would be appriciated, thanks! Hope you enjoy the map! :)
    #2 CheeseJam, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  3. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow that's quite an original idea, but how would you know which teleporter goes where? I don't think I've seen something quite like this before, so I applaud you for that. However, the duck hunt seems incredibly short. Maybe just double that size would work. I know you probably ran out of items. This could be a good time waster, so I'll probably download it.
  4. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    On each level are 3 teleporters next to eachother. One is on ground level, another is a raised a little higher, and the other one is raised even higher. The lowestv one will always take you to the Crypt, middle to the Middle Level, and highest to the Skybubble.

    Yeah the Duck Hunt is pretty short, but is more designed for 1 vs. 1-3 situation. Using a Plasma Pistol makes it easier for the Hunter and can balance things out if the Hunter isn't doing very well.

    Let me know if you guys beat either/or both of the obstacle courses (Skull Steal and UnbeatablCours.5!). I have video walthroughs if you need help!
    #4 CheeseJam, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  5. ubub4

    ubub4 Ancient
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    Wow!! very original idea! I love the fact that you fit 8 different mini games into one map. It is great how you can go from mini game to mini game whenever you get bored with the game you are on. one thing that i wondering is how long it takes to get back to a minigame once you die. Other than that i think that this is on of the best and definitely the most universal minigame map that i have seen yet. =) 5/5
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Jesus christ, 8 mini games into 3 sections of 1 map? Unbelievable. I am definitely downloading it right now, the jumping course looks fun, as well as the warthog derby. Excellent job.
  7. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Very Nice Map, All Mini-games seem well done. Definite DL from me!
  8. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    I agree with everyone above this is god! When i went throught the post I thought they all were one different maps! Man was i wrong! I love your tele system and I love all the things you did! But.. you could maybe make another layer on the duck hunt and that would make it longer. But otherwise this is a great map! You are going to get a DL from me and I WILL share with friends.

  9. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    I really like the grav hop you put in the derby game. Can I use this in my derby map too? I will give you credit ofc :)
  10. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    this is such a great idea!!!! i made something like this, but it was done in like 15 min. Yours looks really good, you used all of sandbox very well. You have a lot of creativity. 5/5.
  11. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Let me know of any glitches you find guys, although I did test it a lot! Thanks for the feedback. :)
  12. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    It's actually pretty strait forward when you play it. Has anyone beaten either of the courses yet on the map? And I think a hole in 2 is possible on the golf hole, I have gotten REALLY close! :)
  13. Funface

    Funface Ancient
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    Dude, this is EPIC! How you fit this all on one map I do not know. You got my download. I love how made a obstacle course using the guardian towers. It has a Duck Hunt feel to it. On a scale of one to ten, ten being highest. This gets about a
    9/10!!! PS. I need to clear some space on my halo 3 files first lol
  14. TraiiT

    TraiiT Ancient
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    Wait are you trying to tell me all these Mini games are in one map! OH EM GEE!!! Is there like a Teleporter where you can like Teleport to the mini game of your choosing?
  15. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Well there are teleporter hubs on each level. You can go to any level of the map from these hubs. Once on the level of your liking, all the minigames will be close to you (except for skull search).
  16. S0Y SAUC3

    S0Y SAUC3 Ancient
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    Hey you did a nice job cause i always get bored waiting for my freinds to join.But now playing on all these weapon and gameplay balanced mini games.Ill be playing and having fun.The maps like the monster trucks and duckhunt are really fun.Thanks for helping me not be so bored.:0)
  17. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    After having played this with a party of three people, I can say that this isn't leaving my hard drive any time soon. It just encompasses such a wide variety of games, a party working cooperatively (they don't randomly kill each other when trying to play a specific game, a problem that plagued my party, though there is no way to fix it, so don't take that as a negative criticism) could play it for hours without becoming bored.

    Everything was great sport save for two games we felt were too hard (either that, or we just didn't know how to properly accomplish the tasks at hand): The jump course (we could never very well get far past the first part where one retrieves the radar jammer) and the Skull Steal (that we probably just weren't very good at... or fast at).

    Overall, great game. One of the most well-developed and multi-faceted minigames I've played ever. I'd love to see a sequel of some sort. Maybe ten new minigames? (<-- lol)

    By the way, we thought of a new minigame while we were playing: One person grabs the rocket or spartan laser from the Crypt (not sure which on works best) and heads up to the sniper radio antenna (which falls over too much, you should brace it with a single weapon holder that would hold the custom powerup as well if you have any room), and the rest of the people go to the main level and try to dodge his shots (ghosts or on foot I don't know, but the idea may be worth looking into).
  18. sp4zmaster

    sp4zmaster Ancient
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    This map is amazing. Gone are the days of having to back out and set up a new game every time ADD kicks in. The bump in the middle of the Warthog Derby gets kind of annoying because it is so small but I probably just have to get used to it.
  19. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Sotha Sil156,

    Glad you like the map man! I noticed that radio antenna thing too, but I am flat out broke on this map! The obstacle courses are both pretty dang hard, but Skull Steal is more doable. That new minigame sounds fun! There are lots of new minigames you can make using this level. For example, my friends and I created one just the other day. You have two people in a Mongoose drive around in the Paintball Arena. Everyone else tries to beat them down while the back rider shoots Plasma Pistol shots at them. It's really fun! :) Thanks for some feedback after you played the map man; I feel getting some is rare these days.
  20. Sgt Gemini

    Sgt Gemini Ancient
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    5/5 no question

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