Warning... please satnd back from loading zone... well it's basically my version of foundry, with some extras. LOADING DOCK-MAP Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
I dont want anyone to feel that this is too harsh, but from the minimal I can see from these pics it looks really sloppy and unoriginal. The boxes seem to be lined up nicely, but that's about it. Besides posting more pics and captions next time, also try to give more info on the map and each part of it to help explain it. Probably have to give it a 1/5 for execution, and 0/5 for creativity. Sorry, but keep trying. Also, try to post your maps in the evening, to have it seen more.
I like how people these days are designing there own type of foundry.I'm not going to bug you about geomerging because foundry doesn't have any.Overall,its one of the better remakes( better than Anvil for sure)
well personally i think that post is spam, oh wait it is haha For the map.. I think it could have some good gameplay because its very similiar to foundry but you should have put more effort into a map before posting on FH. No offense but its very sloppy perhaps interlocking would fix this
Not bad, I like how you made the structures tall. It make the map seem more imposing. I won't comment on the interlocking, as I honestly don't care about interlocking in a map. All that matters to me is the gameplay since, after all, that's what it all comes down to. Also, add more of a description, and a weapons list, and I'd get a better overall view of the map. The turret seems a little overpowering though. Looks neat, I'd give it a 3.5/5.
Why do you guys care if its 'interlocked' or 'geomerged'? Whats with a 0/5, have you played it? Maybe it plays well. Don't post if you havent played, or you run a good chance of getting infracted. That even includes good reviews. Dont. Post. If. You. Havent. Played. No 'looks good, 5/5', or 'that turret looks overpowering 3/5' if you havent played it yet. If you have played it, offer advice on any changes you can think of or problems you found.