Welcome to Lividity - a symmetrical work of art designed by Shad0w Viper and thesilencebroken. Capable of playing 2v2 all the way up to 4v4, Lividity is best defined as "controlled chaos". Players new to the map will find themselves traversing the map with ease and memorizing call-outs without even trying. Veteran players can find the rich hidden secrets the layout has to offer in order to tip the battle in their favor. Whether you are clutching your battle rifle tightly, aiming acrossed the map or sticking the barrel of your shotgun in your opponents face, Lividity has something to offer for all. YouTube - Forgehub.com presents: Lividity Lividity is set up for all gametypes. Here are our favorites: Team Slayer Team Shotty Snipers Team Oddball Multi-flag [flag at home to score] Neutral Flag* Extermination [click here to download] Team Regicide [click here to download] *Neutral Flag is not supported by Bungie. Play at your own discretion. 1 Energy Sword | 120 seconds 4 Battle Rifles | 10 seconds 2 Covenant Carbines | 60 seconds 2 Spikers | 10 seconds 2 Needlers | 120 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 10 seconds 2 Plasma Rifles | 10 seconds 1 Spartan Laser | 180 seconds 1 Shotgun | 120 seconds 4 SMGs | 10 seconds 6 Plasma Grenades | 10 seconds2 Frag Grenades | 10 seconds Active Camo | 150 seconds Regenerator | 60 seconds Sword spawn. Red-side base, second floor. Back corner, Red-side. Features carbine and active camo. Red Side back corner. The shotgun spawn, with window slits overlooking sword spawn. ACTION SHOTS Letting the enemy team over-take the bridge can be a fatal mistake. Work as a team to complete objectives, or the enemy will conquer. Be on the lookout for anyone holding up on the bridge, or this will be you. STRATEGY TIPS Claim an advantage by locking down the bridge or active camo spawn. Travel the map in many different routes, you'll be less likely to feed the opponents kills. During King of the Hill, use the support beams near sword spawn to avoid those pesky moments where grenade spam is rampant. Carbine Spawn offers a great deal of sight across the map. [mouseoverimage=http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/4885/mapoverview.png]http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/851/mapoverview2.png[/mouseoverimage] DOWNLOAD LIVIDITY
I remember testing this a little while back and it was incredible. I played slayer, oddball and multi-flag and they all played very well (although multi-flag was my favorite by far). Layout: Lividity's layout is truly one-of-a-kind. Players are given multiple ways to gain the high ground and that was used to the fullest when we played CTF. Weapons: Damn near every weapon was used when we were playing except the shotgun. I'm sure it would have been useful, but most players centered around the sword, laser and BR. Durability: Spawns worked great everytime. Spawning inside the base gave us the option to easily gain height advantage and I thought that was cool. I did find a way to break the map, although like I said when I sent it to Shad0w, it would be impossible to actually do that in game, but if pulled off in a game of Team Oddball, could be fatal. Aesthetics: When I did a quick forge through was when I noticed how well made and constructed Lividity is. the floors are all flush and smooth. My favorite spots on the map are sword spawn, laser spawn and the AC room. The centerpiece and bases are also very well thought out. Replay Value: This is one of my favorite maps to play CTF on. I havent tried Neutral Flag yet, but i'm definately going to. I'll have to try some of your gametypes aswell because Team Regicide sounds kinda awesome. The only thing i'd want to see done to this map is maybe add some color to the camo side of the map. Other than that nothing needs changed. Your tips also seem very helpful. When I played, I usually just took the Splaser route and after awhile the enemy team caught on. Oh yeah, and does this mean I can take the gameplay and break videos out of my FS? Nice work guys.
This map looks really amazing. I love the little Aesthetical aspects that you used in the map. I also like the Forge techniques you used, some of them are complex and some of them are simple. The balance of the weapons is great but taking position in the Bridge could get you a little advantage. Watching this map Overall I'll give it an 8/10. Aesthetics are good but not enough to get a perfect score. The way you place the lights around the map isn't one of the things I like the most but it might just be personal you that really doesn't affects your score. Talking about Durability I found it fine but just a couple of spots that you should fix but it's still hard to make something to break the map in Gameplay. Map continuity is really great though there are sites containing certain weapons where you require to use jumps, etc. That isn't really something bad as long as a player can freely move around the whole map without the necessity of realizing some action to do it. So, yep, really nice!
this really looks like a gem, the layout looks great and everything is clean. it looks like there are alotta weapons for a crypt map, but you tested it so i guess it works fine. only thing i can say bad about it from the pics is that this, like most crypt maps, looks a little bit dull, everything is really clean and merged great but i think some parts could use more color. it could just be me, but i would add some gold columns, maybe replace a few of the stone columns with gold ones and put gold bits on the walls. you could also use tincups or the 2 remaining light-up balls.
Wow nice work guys, This map is great I wont be surprised if its featured, The forging is very well done and the gameplay was awesome. I'm definitely keeping this map on my hard-drive. My only comment is that the layout looks a bit like a smiley face Spoiler
Map looks amazing guys. Everything about it is clean, well put together and the gameplay looks like it would work very well. The only thing I would say is that the map looks a tad boring but it still is neat
*sigh* right back to yourself there chief. The "top hill" was removed before posting, and if you'll notice the pictures and watch the video, you'll notice how fail your party was with the spartan laser, because in EVERY game I played, no matter who with, it was a focal point. I'm very happy with the results of the map, and I'd like everyone to try the finished version before they come copy and pasting comments they made on the Beta version.
I played a very, very fun KoTH game on this, probably my favorite gametype for this. Whenever the hill moved to the center, I picked up the shotty and started sitting on people. Great map, very clean and smooth. Great jobs sirs. BTW, how did you get your screenshots not to have that resize thing?
Make them smaller to start with. Edit them in a program like gimp or photoshop to size em down and add whatever effects you want. If they are already small they dont have to resize.
Lividity review Overall thoughts – I did enjoy playing this map and so did the players who helped me test this:· Steve 11thSelby · Loscocco · Overlord Lou · B3NW (Me) I did try to play the map with a 4 v 4 but couldn’t get enough people together to do that sorry. I tested it on Team Slayer, Team Oddball & Team Flag. Team Slayer worked perfect but the other two gametypes could do with some work (That will be covered later on). Enjoyment – As the latter says, I did enjoy playing the map and so did my team mates, even though the two gametypes I picked up before, did lower the enjoyment. The part I enjoyed the most was when I jumped down onto unsuspecting players from the top walkway and shot gunned them. Balance – The weapon set was suitable for the map, I especially liked where the laser was placed because it would create a great firefight in a precarious position on the map, almost straight away. I think there were too many power weapons though, the sword is useful for the indoor situations which is what it was designed for, but with the cover in the open areas, it was too easy for the sword to pick up kills. I would recommend removing that and replacing it with a less powerful weapon. Durability – This will be a big section in this review. Me and my testers found two ways in which you could escape the map. The first escape was inside the bases on the second floor. Once there, I think you will be able to find where this picture below is. Once there, get a team-mate to butterfly jump you up like the above image shows. From there you can escape the maps boundaries. The next escape is similar to this and fairly close by. The two coloured towers next to laser is your next escape. Stand on the walkway and get a team-mate to jump on your head and grenade jump of you like shown in the mousedown image below (click it), from there you can also escape the map boundaries. [mousedownimage=http://i29.tinypic.com/a34ax.jpg]http://i26.tinypic.com/2n0il3p.jpg[/mousedownimage] Another place which could do with some work. Players in my game were frustrated that they could not skip the walkway and jump up to the base. This could be fixed by adding a small ledge. This image will show you where I mean. The gametype problems I picked up on in the opening section were as follows: · The flags were too easy to capture due to their positions. Move the flags up into the top of the bases and instead of 10-15 seconds to capture the flag, it will take that time up to 20-25 seconds. (Thanks to steve11thselby for pointing this out) · On default oddball gametype, if you take the ball up as high as possible towards the end of the game and you are winning, then you are guaranteed a win due to it being hard to get up high. Aesthetics – There weren’t any amazing aesthetics on the map but you have used some quite generic aesthetics, but you have used them seamlessly. The aesthetics I enjoyed the most were the two towers near laser, and walkways held up by the beams joined on two thin pillars. Originality – While playing the map I wouldn’t have said the map was original at all, it actually took a good look round in forge to notice it is original. You took the base styles which are used normally in the desert dunes and on mid-level on Sandbox and put them in the crypt with the clean looking walkway overlooking open area style. So you took un-original ideas and put crafted them into an original map. Enjoyment – 7/10 – Above average Balance – 7/10 – Above average Durability – 5/10 – Average (Escapes & flow need fixing) Aesthetics – 5/10 – Average Originality – 8/10 – Above average OVERALL – 6.4/10 – Above average
I think its great the way it is. Its yet another great map by two of the people I looked up to when I started forging myself. Sorry it took so long to post but I wanted to play it first, which I didnt get to cuz I cant get enough people but it looks amazing. Silence, you always have such great ideas that really arent that hard yet nobody thought of them and they look so good. I dont think you needed Shad0w, lol,jk. Anyways guys, great friggin map and I am jealous now. I am fallin off, lol.
Silence, this reminds me a lot of a Foundry map, and I like it. I'd love to play it, just invite me anytime. It looks like it could produce some epic games, and the laser is a nice break from normal power weapons. Very good job my good Sir.