whats up with the white line on the left side... it looks weird. I don't really like the text but the guy is okay...
I had to get the bracelet in there, so I went with the clipping mask border. And that's how the livestrong is written, it would ruin it if I changed the font. Have you honestly never seen a livestrong bracelet or shirt?
Great concept dude, you might get my vote, this is a really strong signature, there might be some aesthetic faults, but most people understand how LIVESTRONG works and it's motivating, I have worn 2 Livestrongs for 4 years straight, not even removed them since then.
Yeah, I've snapped 3 so far. There are some fixable flaws that I'll fix. Do you bike or just support the cause?
I support the cause, biking is always fun though, don't get me wrong. My bike is back when I was like... 12 years old... I am 15 now, as you can probably tell, having a child's size bike and being about 6'2" doesn't help my biking skills.
^ way ahead of you @requiem, I love biking, and plus I got a case of bracelets sun they first came out because apparently my dad was on Lance's "old friends" list.
The flare and feeling is in the color of the text against the grays of the background. When you add color to background the it takes all the pop out of the text.
Ever since these came out our school handed them out to us in whatever grade and I have had 2(One from my sister who doesn't care) bracelets and basically never took em off. I love how durable they are too like you can swim with them and play sports. It's great. I think these are a small thing but they really get the message out ya know. Anywho onto the sig. I LOVE it Zum Zum(lol). Great use of a clipping mask IMO and the text is nice. I love the B&W though so that the yellow stands out too. Great use of color. When I saw this I started thinking about that new game preview I saw on IGN about Saboteur and how it is B&W in the world arounf you but by resisting color pops up to represent hope.