Sandbox Live & Let Die

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nova, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Nova

    Nova Forerunner

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    Live & Let Die


    Hello Forgehub, and welcome to my submission for the Foreign Treasures contest, which is also my first post here at The Hub! When I saw this contest announced, I knew exactly what I wanted to bring to the table. Growing up, I spent countless hours with my friends playing the game that started the console FPS revolution- Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64. We played across all game types but the one we kept coming back to, the one that made your adrenaline spike, was License To Kill. For those not in the know, this game type enabled a player to kill with just one bullet, regardless of the weapon. Only one map was built from the ground up for such intense, blistering action, and that was The Basement.

    The original Basement was a claustrophobic grey map consisting of 4 rooms complete with pillars, long narrow hallways and a greenroom with side pockets for cover that could get crowded in a hurry. There were five spawns, yes FIVE, and four of them spawned you facing a wall! But despite this inconvenience, this map was a BLAST to play. Now that the history lesson is over, I present to you Live & Let Die, my painstakingly accurate, epic recreation of The Basement.

    View into the Great Room

    Great room center, home of the Klobb.

    Entry connecting the Great Room to the Red Room.

    Entry to the Red Room.

    The Red Room. Home to the RCP-90.

    Entry to the Green Room, home to the Shotgun.

    The Green Hall

    Pallet Pillars! Before . . .

    and after!

    Dark hall

    Shotgun room (Red light district)

    Shotgun room spawn

    Long hall, the custom powerup didn't make the cut :(

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    In addition to the map, I have included the aformentioned License To Kill gametypes. The traits are as follows-

    Gravity - 200%
    Speed - 150%
    No sheilds
    Instant Kill
    Supports 2-5 players (anything more can get unstable)

    Live & Let Die MUST be played with the LTK gametypes! The spawns, weapons, and design were created specifically for it. I can tell you that this is one of the most adrenaline charged and exciting gametypes you'll experience with Halo. It's old school gameplay with a fancy new paintjob. Just try not to wake the nieghbors when you open fire for the first time in the Pallet Pillar room, ok? ;)

    In case you missed it-

    Download Live & Let Die: : Halo 3 File Details

    License To Kill: : Halo 3 File Details

    LTK Pistols: : Halo 3 File Details

    LTK Shotty Mags: : Halo 3 File Details

  2. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoa, where did this come from? This is an amazing map. It is so cleanly made and every picture interests me even more. The wooden bridges and the tin cups go extremely well together in the green hall and are very eye-catching so well done. I have never played golden eye myself but I don't think it matters a whole lot, this is just stunning for your what, second post?! I'll leave the rest to be said by the others. Great, great job.
  3. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is unexpected, and great! At first, I started scrolling through pictures without reading anything. After a few pictures, I started to realize.....Hey! I know this place! Sure enough, I scrolled back up and it was indeed a 007 Goldeneye map. Everything is very well put together and accurate. Even the hidden areas of the map are there. From above, I can see maybe one or two areas with a bump. This truly is a Foreign Treasure.

    Accuracy 10/10
    Forging 9/10

    For a first map, this is excellent. And the post is correct too! Great job.
  4. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is accaulty pretty decent.I like the basic design of the map and the huge amount of detail put into the map. Some parts I will say could have been merged but what you did merge looks very clean and neat.
  5. Nova

    Nova Forerunner

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    Wow! Thanks for the great feedback guys, I really appreciate it! I worked really hard to keep the feel and dimensions of the original map intact while adding a unique environmental hook to each room. I'm interested to see how people like License to Kill, too. If anyone wants to set up a game after the Fourth of July, just let me know (I'll be outta town 'til then).
    #5 Nova, Jul 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Live & Let DIE Review
    Overall Thoughts -
    I love the idea that you remade this map from Golden Eye, I am a fan of remakes. I tested the map with the following players:-
    · The Wunder
    · Benji4661
    · i5m KS aiakos
    · i5m KS LD
    · El FlyingCondor
    · spazmonkey92
    · IndigoBeef
    · B3NW (Me)
    Everyone in the game loved the map itself but felt it was let down by the gametypes. We only tested it on one of the gametypes due to the fact the gameplay wasn’t enjoyable enough. I think you could have concentrated more on adapting it for Halo, rather than fully concentrating on it being aesthetically the same.
    (Yes we did play with 8 players instead of the recommended 5, but a map that size shouldn’t support so little players.)
    Enjoyment –
    I didn’t particularly enjoy the gameplay, but I did enjoy looking round the map. I think you should work on the gametype and try get the map to support some more players, 5 players on a map that size on a FFA gametype will not provide fast enough gameplay to be enjoyable.
    Balance –
    Balancing an asymmetric map like this one is hard because when you remake a map from a different game, the map may be perfect on the game it originally came from, but even if you can replicate the weapon set, it may just not have the same balance. I have never played the original map but it must be great if it is as balanced as this one. I cannot fault the weapon placement because it worked rather well with 8 players. However, this is 3 more players than intended for the map, which means the timings may be a bit too fast for less players.
    Durability –
    I’m fairly good at finding escapes out of maps and I could not find any on this map. However I did notice the jail bar effect which is a quite easy escape if not done well. If I had more time I would have tested to see if this was escapable, but it did look tight enough to be un –escapable.
    The spawn system was broken when 8 players were playing the map, the most frustrating break of the system was when you would spawn, walk a small amount forward and an enemy would spawn right behind you due to there not being enough spawn points.
    Aesthetics –
    As I have said in the enjoyment section, I really loved looking at the map, well that means the map is aesthetically pleasing! The walls were smooth and from what I am told, you have re-created the original map VERY well! The repetitive pillar effects are really pleasing to the eye and the arches in the doorways just give the map that extra touch.
    Originality –
    I would love to say that the map was original, but unfortunately it wasn’t due to the fact it was a remake of a map. However, if the map was not a remake, this map would only score a little bit higher than it would now due to the fact it looks random. The map has no real structure, it feels like it was just put together for the sake of it, you can tell this if you look at the overview of the map.
    Enjoyment – 4/10 – Bellow average​
    Balance – 6/10 – Just above average​
    Durability – 6/10 – Just above average​
    Aesthetics – 9/10 – Nearly perfect!​
    Originality – 3/10 – Bellow average (Remake)​
    OVERALL – 6.2/10 – Good

    Reviewers notes – If you view this review as negative, please don’t. Sometimes remakes from other games just don’t work. Aesthetically it did. Work on the map from the negative points I picked up on and improve the map. Good luck! :)

    This is an RH app review

    EDIT: I went through the map again today by myself and here is a follow up of the latter review.

    I wasn't able to escape from the any of the bars but I was able to escape the map by grenade jumping, I only had to grenade jump out of one place of the map but I am guessing there are multiple spots. This could be fixed either by reducing the jump height in the gametype or adding a roof or adding safety barriers around the edges were the roof would be (Just a slanted object which overhangs. I also noticed, the inner room areas were very open, maybe add a single column into there and one other thing I noticed was flags sticking out the walls from the tin cups. This isn't aestheticly pleasing, but they do no harm and don't interrupt the gameplay, so I guess all is good. Hope this edit helps you.
    #6 B3NW, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  7. Nova

    Nova Forerunner

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    Thank you for your review! I appreciate that you took the time to play through the map and offer your objective critisisms. It means a lot, especially with me being a new member. I didn't take any offense to your feedback. In fact, I agree with a lot of what you said.

    Making the decision to make this map was tough due to a number of reasons. First, Goldeneye was quite a different (and archaic) game compared to Halo. It had no jumping, no shields, was much faster and had no grenades. Second, the map itself had no height variation, no high ground to control. Third, it didn't follow the Rule of Three. Look at any Halo map and in most cases there are usually at least three entries to any space, a feature lacking in this map. That difference in design doesn't translate to Halo very well IMO.

    My options were to keep the gameplay as close to Goldeneye as I could or use Halo's gameplay. I chose to try to keep the feel of Goldeneye with the Licence to Kill gametype (200% gravity to prevent escapability, 150% speed, instant kill) to recreate the Goldeneye experience through Halo. Obviously it was met with mixed results. :)

    The map as is supports up to five players and it works well because the speed of the gametype shrinks the map. But I'll take your feedback into account to fix it to support more players along with more traditional Halo gameplay (SWAT comes to mind). The only problem is I'm at the item limit so it will be tough to fix everything without a complete overhaul.

    Thanks again for all the feedback. I'll do my best to make it play great.

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