I highly suggest that you watch this, on Youtube, in HD and in fullscreen. Portal: No Escape - YouTube
Where did it say that video was a recreation of Chell's portal story. Aperature was around before glad0s and is in the same universe as Half Life so there could very well be a time with people.
Lol wat. Portal 2 tells the story of Cave Johnson and 1970s Aperture Science, there were people all over the labs during that time.
Pac, you realize that was Chell in the video right? I agree that the people looked reminiscent of Half life, but in all of both portal games you never once see a single living human being. Not once. (unless you count looking at yourself through a portal) Cave Johnson is likely dead by the events of Portal 2 and the only other person even referred to is Caroline, who is dead at the end of Portal 2. So, there is no evidence to prove that anyone at Aperture is even alive still. (especially since they let a sociopathic AI like Glados have control, this in my opinion is the biggest problem with the idea that there are still people around) So the only way this can follow Portal's story and not be what was shown in the games is that this Chell is merely a clone or something and she is experiencing testing prior to the control of Glados. (Which is a cool idea)
Lol until they disregarded all continuity whatsoever by confirming that's Chell at any point after portal starts... It's a fan film, but regardless I'm pretty sure it's not Chell.
It's actually very good, I'm just saying that if it is Chell (which it seriously looked like to me) then there is afore mentioned continuity problems, but then again, what movie adaptation of a game was ever completely accurate? In that sense, it looks like it could do well for a full movie, even if the story differed from the actual game story. Just noticed that she doesn't have Advanced Knee replacements in the video at all.
Apart from being a woman that is about it for similarities. Chell was a generic character model for a reason. Also we pick up Chell's story in the first game after everyone at aperture science was neurotoxined by glados. Nowhere in the plot of the first game does it say that was chell's first experience with a portal gun or that there wasn't once guards. In fact the story hints that aperture science recently had people up till the point glados went nuts. Plus like Sarge said, its fan fiction. Look what was done with Mortal Kombat. That mini-series was amazing and was a completely different take on the mortal kombat universe.
Lol, if you are convinced this is based on Chell, and you want to go on about continuity in regards to people, why not mention the room, the lack of glados, the lack of glass, placement of the portal gun, going outside right away... TROLL FACE OMG THER R PEOPLE IN DIS WTH, EVERYTHING ELSE MADE SENSE UNTIL THE PEOPLE... Obvious ignorance is obvious. On topic, this was amazing. The VFX were outstanding and overall, it was an inspiring short film. Loved every bit of it
Well...she didn't actually go outside. Not that it changes the sarcastic point you were making lol. Fan adaptions are the best. You know what professional director would make this a worthwhile full movie, Neil Blomkamp (sp?) . Him with peter Jackson producing. And whomever handled the fx behind I Robot can do the robot fx n stuff.