Title say a lot it self, but that does not mean it is just a hold one corner and defend you self for 3 min, What this game is really like is much more then that. It is a game of pure team work and watching your sides\back all the time. And this game includes some timed switch's too allow that! This game and map is for pure team work and planning. and really only the most active infection custom players can really beat this if they wanted. But that does not mean you cant either! Ill tell you how to play, what you can use, and some set ups you can adapt so you can have a chance at beating it too! in more understanding for you on why I say it is a bit hard is mainly engraved in the game type. More specifically the zombies are like mother f**king Iron Mans, only that they don't fly! But don't you worry now, your health is too very resistant. But don't try to take these things alone, because you could very well lose a 1 on 1 battle vs these mean ass beast! Or 2 mean ass beasts! Or even 3, 4 or 5 lol! It is best to work as a team like your real life depends on it. Have a plan, make blockades to buy time!, or maybe go all out running and gunning to together like its Left 4 Dead! Which might not work by the way.....lol Use all you can and share with your Friends, because ammo and guns comes short, and even if those 2 hogs are in that closed in area, grabbing those for the wrong reason or wrong time could mean you the next dead Iron Man! Now let me talk about the map, which I'm sure you were waiting for any way. This Base is not an ordinary map for any game type, mainly because it is very small and has things in it that is for more specific reason, like not jumping out of the map, and timed switch's for specific roles. So using the game type is a must. Besides why would you want to use a game type that you know would not make the game any fun? On the map there is very low ammo and guns, but just enough to get you though a 3 min round. Yes there is warthogs on the map, but trust me those wont be a problem at all. On the map and during the game, there are two different stages. Each stage is 1:30. The first 1:30 is some what easy, because zombies well come out of 3 holes that are dug out from the wall surrounding the base. So getting hit in the back is not as common, unless you forgot which side the base is located lol. The 2nd stage is much much more hard. This is when the dumpster doors spawn too act like stairs to climb the wall and scout any stranded, and also where a door open up from the back hall too allow the zombies to go to the back of the map. Inside the back of the base has a teleporter and a grav lift to push you on to the roof which is the most safe spot for the human(note that I said that). So as you can see it is a bit hard to live the 2nd stage. But remember that team work is every thing! the spawns are really the same the whole game, so no need too worry about those. It is impossible to spawn kill due to where it is located and how strong the zombies are any way. Maybe I shall move on to the pictures now Please Down load and Thank You Map Game Type
I havent seen good infection maps on Foundry for ages. So is this like a new gametype I assume? This is like **** zombies in a way with Firefight. You need a way so that the humans wont be able to sit in the corner like you said. You need an objective for them, besides living for 3 min.
This map is fun to play on but only with a lot of people. the zombies are near impossible to kill, so it makes for some pretty hectic gameplay. overall, 8/10, mostly for aesthetics.
Update Some new changes. There is now a new wall/roof add on to the top of the building. This fixs the humans jumping off when they get to the top and forces them to act as a team when they get there. The veiw looking at the machine gun. This is a respawn switch that will allow (force) the zombies to spawn here after 1:00. After spawning here the zombies are then allowed to come from the top instead of just the botom. The dumpster moves from a gravity lift that spawns, pushing it out of the way of the respawns. So for the first part of the game the zombies will push though the front. The view inside. I put a wall up blocking the way for anyone to get inside the room of pointlessness. This makes the gameplay where I want it to be. All guns are on 0 clips and never respawn. Zombies have no shields. Humans speed is now 90% Humans start with SMG's in replace of the magnum. Zombies have 500% damage resistance. Map Gametype