is it just me or could this image be used in a signature? i tried messing with it for a bit and failed at making anything cool... i don't want it to go to waste. I thought about it and decided to make a thread to see who could turn this image into something epic. yes, this is a little contest. it may seem like it's a make me a sig thread disguised as a contest but.. alright yeah it is but shh. The winner gets my gratitude and major sucking up from me for the next month or so. I will be your *****. and i'll make you an award containing my real life signature. If none of the sigs are worth me becoming your ***** then well... no winners or award. if no sigs are entered then uhh yeah... Thank you to all who decide to give it a go and please to those thinking about it. ~CHUCK
I think it's you lol.. I'm up for any gfx competition since i can't enter the SOTW, but I dont think that stock is very useable tbh. =/
It looks sort of similar to the chick in your current sig, Mallet. But still, it's not much of a great stock to have a contest with.
the resolution looks better at 50% zoom lol. i made a smaller version and put it up there. it looks better if shrunken down to size. hmmm. it's actually a picture of a friend i recieved on my phone(lololol i didnt say it'd be professional) so it's crystal clear there... it's my own personal stock which makes it original. let's just say i dont photoshop or edit images too much...
i was actually steering away from stating that it's my gf to avoid cow jokes(jerks) but yeah... it's her. and that's already done mallet. and no you can't have them.
lolz. Just hope Sarge doesn't find this. Maybe you could create and awesome sig, then put the pic on top at 0% opacity.