Hello fellow forgers i have a little bit of a problem and that problem is that i can't seem to get a good idea of what to do between 2 bases on foundry. I hope that atleast one kind forger will try to help me out. Also i will need some help with the weapon placement. I will try to get some pic up in a few mins. If you are interested send me a message on XBL. GT = Fornozo Edit: Pics Hooray!:happy: Base One: Base Two: Empty Space i want filled:
here this is a map a dude on bungie made... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/27181-best-blocked-off-foundry-not-mine.html it has both bases blocked off, with unlimited budget glitch
well that was not how i meant but thanks for the link that map will be usefull someday. wait untill i get some pics up and you will see what i mean. Edit: pics are up now
i see your pics and im not sure i know exactly what you mean....do u want someone to fill it with like movable objects to make it look better or like another building....?
Pyramid (n) - ˈpir-ə-ˌmid: a polyhedron having for its base a polygon and for faces triangles with a common vertex Courtesy of Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary Honestly, though, make it two cones. If people freak out with one, they go completely nuts with two...