I will put together a list of the maps that have used the new glitch for your map viewing pleasure =) DEVIATION- BY: H3C x Nevs http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/87305-deviation.html DEPOT 124- BY: PwnsauceAddict http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/87090-depot-124-a.html 0BSTRUCTED- BY: Digger44 http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/86799-obstructed.html JOKULHAUP- BY: Used Man http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/86839-jokulhaup.html VERGE- BY: Pel http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/86751-verge.html Please keep posting those ghost merged maps! If there are any I missed, please inform me on it! ~Plasmaterial~
Great idea! This will come in very handy once more and more Ghost Merged maps come out. Thanks for keeping the list!
While this is a good idea for a thread, i don't really see the relevance in the long run. I know many people are going to be using the no-clip glitch from here on out. And eventually this thread will just turn into a rediculous list. But for now, in it's youth, i suppose it is an okay idea.
I don't know if you'd want to include my newest map, Verge, in this list. It uses Ghost Merging, but only for 3 or 4 pieces. Here's a link anyway: Verge
Although I see where you are getting at with this idea Plasmaterial, I don't see the point. Ghost Merging is merely another discovery in forge. There was no map directory for geomerged maps, interlocked maps, budget glitched maps, etc... So why now? I really like the creativity you've got going on here... But a directory for maps based on their forging style is just ridiculous. I'm not saying this should be locked or deleted, but it just doesn't make any sense. I could see why people would look for a directory catagorized by Default Map, or a directory catagorized by gametypes, but what does the forging style used on a map have to do with the actual map?
I'm going to have to agree with Conerkid on this. Thanks for posting my map though and it's diger44 not digger. Anyways I hate it when people call it ghost merging, it sounds so stuipd. You don't just merge with it, you also 'lock with it, so nethier work. People should call it no-clipping because it's a new glitch completly differnent than geomeging or interlocking so it needs a new name hence no-clipping because thats what your actually making the object do. No-Clip.
hmmm i think im agreein with everyone else, maybe instead of a list of ghost merged maps, a list of maps that are made on rare canvases(ex. standoff, ghost town, blackout, orbital, assembley, rats nest.) Maybe people would be more interested in non sandbox, foundry. I don't know though, just saying
I like that idea. Maybe then it will be less likely to get out of hand in the next month as well. :squirrel_rocking: