Turns out, The question was easy to answer, as I found it myself. Please lock this thread. I left the list up, in case anyone wants it for some reason. Title really says most of what I want. "Does anyone know all of the Halo 2 Map Names?" or "Can someone find all of the Halo 2 Map Names?" I'm thinking back to Halo 2 again, and I want to attempt a remake, even if it's been done. As a note: The good remakes I've seen still rely on grenades and Assault Rifles a lot, not true to the Halo 2 feel, I wanna mess with spawn times and things like that to make it feel a bit more like Halo 2. Anyway, main point, I wanna know the names of all H2 maps. ________________________________________________ Maps I know - being updated as I find them, or as you post them.- _________________________________________________________ Ascension Backwash Beaver Creek Burial Mounds Coagulation Colossus Containment Desolation Elongation Foundation Gemini Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Relic Sanctuary Terminal Tombstone Turf Warlock Waterworks Zanzibar Edit: I saw a couple I'd never heard, but the pics were of Halo. So I went to Halo 2, and there was no DLC or anything.... District and Uplift. Anyone wanna clear that up?
Ascension, Backwash, Beaver Creek, Burial Mounds, Coagulation, Colossus, Containment, District, Elongation, Foundation, Gemini, Headlong, Ivory Tower, Midship, Relic, Sanctuary, Terminal, Tombstone, Turf, Uplift, Warlock, Waterworks, Zanzibar This includes DLC and PC only maps.
Ohh, District and Uplift are PC only? I never played Halo on the computer, so I didn't keep track of it,