So my recently finished map "Lion's Den" was created purely by me. It is compatible with slayer game-types, multi-flag, stockpile, and oddball. This is my second made made map but my first posted. It is a BTB map with several vehicles. I had a lot of fun making it and playing with my brother on it. I am trying to get it out there like everyone else is with their own maps. My pictures explain where the power weapons are so you don't need to go look for yourself. it has multiple levels of cliffs, the shore, and a top plateau-like area with lots of space. Man-cannons make it a lot of fun and the layout is good. Try it out and leave comments. Like I already said this is my first released map and I want to see how I am doing with spawns, the general idea, and my overall ability. Thank you for your time. Download : Halo Reach : File Details The Cave The top area The red base Red side overview blue base If someone would tell me how to increase the size of the pictures that would be greatly appreciated. Changing resolutions while uploading doesn't do anything. It always goes back to a 240x135. Sorry for being such a newbie but it's my first time, and I know my map can make up for it.
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