What I'm going to discuss is not to have multiple energy weapons like Beam Rifle, Sword and Hammer on your map. Because of overlapping. You can have 2 shotguns because if you kill the other shotty holder, you'll take his ammo. You kill the other sword carrier, his will just lay there.
Yeah, I know. I just thought that was sort of obvious, but I guess you have to cover everything to make it a guide, eh?
Quiet you. What I meant by that top quote was to place it on a corridor in full view, no cover, no escape But otherwise, Mallet, what'd you think of it.
Very helpful. Thank you, linu, this has helped a lot, and will be used by me for my next couple of projects.
I only really know stuff about MLG weapons and there placements this guide has helped me decide what weapon i should use on my map I am making at the moment. So im going to have to wait for the melee weapons as well.
The whole thing is great linou, i loved it, you have a knack for writing. There was one thing in particular that I enjoyed the most: LOL So true, I hate it when nubs do this... Great job bro.
Damn you linue, I've been working on a HUGE weapon placement guide. You beat me to it. You Bastard. Just Kidding, seriously though, awesome guide. Can't wait for more.
ok, some stuff for sniper guide (just to make me feel important): in foundry MLG maps NEVER place a sniper, unless you have a degree in architecture and cartography, you'll basically kill the map. amplified an onslaught both are missing the sniiper and are both official MLG maps. never place snipers in high positions (duhh). and possibly the smartest most valid point, (which i ripped from a senior member, can't remember who, might've been lights) if you're placing equipment on your map, don't place a regenerator near your sniper, that would make it waaaaaaaaaaay too powerful, if you need equipment, place a bubble shield, that stops the sniper from shooting whilst his shield recharges, so it is both a negative and positive effect.
thanks Iv0ry. I've started working on it, and you just said some of the stuff I'm planning to add, and reminded me of what I should add, cheers.
REP *****!!! also, after snipers, you should do a flamethrower/turret combo, i've seen sooooooooo many people screw that one up.
So far there's snipers and shotgun. You can expect Melee Weapons to be next. Probably within the next few days.