Weapons on map - - Dmr x2 - Assault rifle x2 - Shotgun x1 - Sniper Rifle x2 - Concussion rifle x1 - grenadle launcher x1 - Needler x1 - Gravity Hammer x1 - Spiker x1 - 4 Stickies Added objects for Juggernaut - -Plasma launcher -Shotgun - More grenades - extra walls to confine the map to the middle area only. Slayer, CTF, and Stockpile are recomended gametypes for this map. Juggernaut is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for this map. When looking around the map look in custom games and not in forge because some rooms are cut off due to Juggernaut added walls. This map is slightly casual, and very fun to play on, but also can be very competitive. It may seem like their is many power weapons on this map, but they have very low ammo to ensure fairness, and complex spawn points to protect from spawn camping. Pictures ----- Overhead View of Center- Blue Base ----- Spiker to Shotgun CatWalk ----- Center Balcony ----- Decorative Terrarium Room
I really cant get a feel for the map, maybe take the roof off and give us an overview? I also would like to see the bases. Bases play a major part in any game, especially CTF. Also, would you mind telling us why Juggernaut is so highly recommended. But the terrestrial decorative room is very appealing and unique, Ill DL and come back with more feedback.
Thanks for the feedback man. I like constructive critiscism if it helps me make better maps. I know i could have added more pictures of bases, but i guess i dint think it was absolutley necassary. This is also my first "fully finished" slayer map, and i think its pretty good for my first try. please test the map and tell me what you think. (btw i just said juggernaut was highly recomended because i find it the most fun gametype that me and my friends played on. Also juggernaut is a bit glitchy, but i plan on fixing the glitches. (spawning problems)
Im going to be honest with you. the map looks good astectcaly but there are just to many game play issues for the map to even need to be considerd being released. the weapons have the default spawn time this means every 30 seconds every power weapon on your map spawns. and by standing on the balcony i and looking at the lake type thing i can force people to spawn behind me. The layout is simple and the little area with all water dosent cut it. its to open anybody corned in that room wouldnt stand a chance. at one poin i spawned in a room with no way to get back to the main area of the map. I also found a shotgun with a 30 second spawn timer and 5 clips Huh i thought you said they had low clips and even with a extremely low clip you can have a shotty spawning ever 30 second no body want to be getting killed by a shotgun every 30 seconds. Like i said looks great astectically but it needs some serious work when it comes to gameplay. The weapons spawns times need to be fixed.and should consider adding a way out of the water room that dosent have you going strait back up to the main area. a good team will herd you to them hallways like cattle.
I know man... this is my first map on forgehub, so might be a little buggy. i had trouble with this object spawning. I made this awhile ago and decided i would put it on forgehub and see what happens. I plan on making some brand new maps, as i have learned all about weapon spawning and player spawning. I also find it kind of weird how i "contructively crticized" your maps and you thought it would be necessary to comment on my map thread which died 2 weeks ago... but thanks for your help
A map thread never dies just to let you know. More maps get posted, your map can't just go away, it will eventually get posted upon by another member....such as me Well, this map looks great the aesthetics are quite appealing . I really like how you used the coliseum windows to make such a fancy, unique design. This map looks like it plays well, I'll have to take a look at it more closely to really see it's potential. I'm looking forward to seeing your next map, because damn this one looks great.
Thanks for the feedback, right now im working on a cold storage remake, and its lookin pretty good to. ive got all the same weapon spawns and spawn timing down. should post it in a day or two