Today I will show you my Team-Slayer map Limited. I hope you guys enjoyed the map. Overview Download
Wow, how does this have no comments yet? May I say this is win. When I saw the thumbnail of the over head image of this map I instantly gave a click. From the stunt ramps on the roof to the glass bridge, to the columns, the lighting, cross hatch pattern from the 1x2 banks.. yes. Good job, aesthetics look fantastic. From the overhead image it looks like there is plenty of cover, elevation, and I can tell the layout is very well thought out. My forge\custom game clan is recruiting btw, you should check it out, private message me and I'll send you the site.
I love the darker feeling this map has to it. The only complaint that I have, is that the purple light seems kind of in the way. You may want to place it behind a wall or ceiling to hide it from plain sight.
Bravo dude, this is one of the best looking competitive maps i've seen on this site. You really did good with with glass and nice choice of colors that objects emit. they blend well.. on a scale of 1 to 10 its definitely like 9.5. nice work.