
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Scoggin949, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. Scoggin949

    Scoggin949 Forerunner

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    This is my last Halo 3 map

    This map is based on the arcade game LIMBO in the marketplace which you can download trial or buy full game for 1200 microsoft points.

    It is recommended that you at least play at least the trial before playing this game.


    The first obstacle

    The dark cave

    The scary spider

    Sticky spider web (Oddball Spawn)


    LIMBO Map Download
    LIMBO Game Type Download

    See you in Forge World!!
    #1 Scoggin949, Sep 10, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  2. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Forerunner

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    I remember playing this with you and Zow. It was pretty awesome. Never got towards the Scary Spider though...
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Ooh, I'm glad someone thought to do this.
    Limbo is a great game with quite a few little mind trips.
    I'm guessing this one ends right around where the trial game ends?
    To bad you couldn't rig any of the later puzzles and stuff, but you did a great job using filters to capture the atmosphere of Limbo.

    I just played (and beat) this map.

    It was far too easy.

    Like there's easy interesting and easy boring, and Limbo lies somewhere in between.

    Again this concept is very cool, but seeing the amount of 'dead' space in between the challenges it seems you could have added a considerable amount more.

    And if you truly wanted to stick to the Limbo theme, you should have made the playable space a lot thinner thus constricting the player to an almost side-scrolling environment, and freeing up a plethora of objects for you to use.

    Also a major disappointment was the lack of any danger near the spider. It was simply an aesthetic piece.
    It was more like the fake spider that native uses later in the game
    I mean something could have been added to it.

    I actually came up with an idea that would make the spider somewhat treacherous:
    First, you'd have to replace the min/max switch with the grav lifts towards the beginning.
    Now, using all 4 of your grav lifts and several of your weapon holders you'll create a massive min/max switch.
    Essentially replace the last joint of 3 legs with a damaged column on a weapon holder.
    Block the cave beneath the spider with another damaged column.
    Brace 3 Custom Power-ups at the end of each of the new end leg-joints within jumping distance.
    Now use the other weapon holders and brace 3 grav lifts between the end leg-joints and the beginning non-moving joints of the spider.
    (You can keep the other weapon holders underneath the damaged columns for extra support, but the columns should stay either way)
    Place the last grav lift so that (when it spawns) it will remove the column blocking the cave beneath the spider.
    Make all the CPs never respawn.
    Make the 3 grav lifts between the leg joints never respawn.
    Make the grav lift behind the column blocking the cave beneath the spider spawn at 180 seconds.

    The whole purpose of this device is to make the player 'taunt' the spider by getting the CP and part of the leg 'attacks' you by making the damaged colum fly at you.
    Destroying that grav lift would be like killing that leg.
    Rinse, repeat for the other two and then the grav lift blocking the cave will spawn and unblock it.

    \/Very rough sketch\/

    That may be useless if the player gets there in over 3 minutes, but this map is easily beatable in about that time.
    Change the round time to fit that and there should be no problem.
    Especially considering how short this map is.

    Say what you want but that's a damn good idea.
    If you don't use it I'll find a way to use it in my version on Reach.
    Considering it is my idea and all ;)
    #3 Organite, Sep 12, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  4. Scoggin949

    Scoggin949 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the idea organite

    Im sorry if this didnt meet your standard for a map, i really am, its just that i had no money left.

    You said that you beat it easilly? Wow, nobody else could, you must be really smart and clever too get through that easily.

    I would go back in and make changes as needed, but halo reach is out in 2 days, so ill start working on a limbo map in reach...OK?
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Don't take it the wrong way man,

    It really is a clever concept with some good ideas in it, but what I'm saying (and it's kinda my job) is that a lot more could have added to this had you used your resources right.

    I'm all for you recreating this in Reach, but I'm also saying this could easily be edited in a few hours.

    It's your decision dude.

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