Lilly Pads Created By: Cosmic Rick Gametypes Supported: Leapfrog Recommended Players: 2 teams of 2-4, 4 teams of 2 Cosmic's latest mini-game venture, inspired by AZN FTW's Conquest, makes excellent use of Halo 3's gravity settings while still maintaining a high level of competitiveness. A linear territories map, players leap from floating territory to floating territory in a circular fashion. While capturing a territory, players are bound to their platform by the gravity settings, yet once captured, they are free to proceed to another. Grab a Sniper Rifle or a Brute Shot mid-air while soaring to the next territory to spice up the battles, or take the risk of leaping to the middle structure so you can vaporize your foes with the Spartan Laser. The custom power-up below each spawn will allow you to free-roam without the worries of the increased gravity, but at the compromise of a waypoint above your head for all to see. The innovative gameplay of Leapfrog makes Lilly Pads stand out amongst the crowd, and its completely unique player experience makes it a must have for everyone. Download Lilly Pads Download Leapfrog Game Variant Link to original ForgeHub thread for more Information
WOw sweet map. Inever saw the oringial thread. But it looks great. No surpise that it is featured! great job rick
amazing map interlocking is great but it looks like you would have to play with a trust worthy group of people ,because it looks like you could just hide down on the regular map, did you block it off ?, but other than that its amazing.
Please read the post. The map is designed for a territories variant, so you can hide down there if you enjoy losing I guess...
Lolz I helped test! Cosmic I told you it would be featured! This was immensly fun. Everybody in the party had a great time. Not one of us had the slightest bit of critiism. Everything was perfect. I never got spawn killed or overpowered with weapons. This is a keeper. Anybody who is smart will DL this!
I've glanced over this map a while ago and thought it looked great. I didn't know what it would play like so now that it's been featured, I have an answer. From the many open ledges it looks fast-paced territories gametype. Indeed, this is a very unconventional map made but that is why we have Cosmic I suppose! Keep churning out fantastic maps!
Excellent choice! When I tested out this map with some friends, I had a feeling it was front-page worthy. Gameplay is fast and hectic; you can go from winning to losing in a matter of seconds, especially if you are playing with multiple teams. Jumping from pad to pad is quite satisfying, as is the inevitable no-scopage that occurs on the tiny platforms.
hmmm wow I am shocked that this had gotten featured, but that took awhile! The map was good, but still wasn't to sure if it was feature worthy.
Man it took you long enough guys. I thought this would be featured in like ten seconds afterit was posted. But i guess it had to be voted on Only thing i would say is i hope in the new maps Cosmick makes a bigger, better, more complicated version of this because i found that it was just a little small but it played farely well, but if would be more fun with 8 on 8
good map, (obviously to get featured) still it looks great and to those who think you can just stay on the original map (Blackout), it has objects on that part of the map and teleporters. Great Job
Nice job on the feature Rick.. I played this with you and a bunch of people last week. I must say that I really did enjoy it and I thought it made a good use of the gravity settings. A DL of me for sure.. Keep the sweet maps coming! And you were right about convincing me to come over and check out FH, I am glad I did.
Cosmic Rick -- Master of the everlasting fun mini-games. I knew this would get featured eventually, the actual concept is very simple and the forging is quite simple too but the gameplay is undeniably awesome. I've seen this concept originally over at Ghosts of Onyx, now that I was deactivated though, I cannot see the forging shenanigans.
Lol I played this. It's fun. It's amazing. I never knew you could get out on top of Blackout. Deserves the feature.
pros-Another amazing map by cosmic rick.Great idea using above blackout and making an amazing territories map. The map is perfectly symetric and is the best map on blackout ever. Cons-Ah, I cant really think of anything you could add to the level. Can you fall down into the normal blackout. I know it wouldnt benefit you any sence it is territories but what would happen. Grading Gameplay-5/5 Interlocking-4.9/5 Overall astetics-5/5 Post-5/5 Overall-5/5 Of course this desreved to get featured because it is another truly amazing map by Cosmic Rick.
STFU ANd PlAy ThE gamE BEfoRe YoU GiVe a reVIew. i KNOW You did NOT PLay it becaUse yoU askeD IF you cOULd fAlL OntO BLaCKOUT. As foR My ReViEW: jumPing ArouND fRom PLATfoRm To pLaTfORm Is QUitE FUn If i SaY So MyselF. the Map ItSElF IS BuiLT wElL ANd pLAyinG iT wITH A meDiUm sIZeD ParTy Is a BLaST. the GAmEPLay iS both FUN AND balaCNeD, THE SMg's aS oRiGInALlY INteNDEd KEep THe fiGht wiTH IN ThE pLAtformS. SuddEN DEAth In my OpINION IS the BESt PARt. wHEN tHE BRiDeGEs SPAwn In The miDDLE iT Adds tHat EXTrA AsPECT tO tHe finALE of THe round. I WOULd ratE THis A 4.5/5. .5 off BEcAUSE i thINK tHAt the PlatFOrms COuld bE A LIttle bigGEr. espEcIalLY WIth LArgEr PArtIes. i kNOW IT wAS noT meANt Fot LARGE ParTieS BUt I THiNk IT WouLd BE fUN WItH moRe.
This looks great Cosmic, definitely added to my queue. I remember playing your Avalanche variant of this (TGIF 10 I believe), and that was brilliant fun. I can see why its been changed to Blackout though. At least, I assume it has something to do with the much larger death pit area on Blackout.
Nice map. I remember the original thread. I think, if you can!, putting up a video. For me it would show the gravity and gameplay you have put into the map and game-type. Good post, duh duh da! But, anyway the map is very clean for being in the SKY! -Irish