I made this map for the 1v1 Smackdown Contest. I designed it with the hopes of a fast gameplay that would also be enjoyable. Since this is my first attempt at a 1v1 I would appreciate all feedback. Now for the pictures. Overview Red Base Blue Base Main Bridge(GL) Side(Evade) View From Side Red To Side Blue(Sniper) Active Camo/Blue Lift Thanks for looking!
I'm all for moving away from the room-based 1v1 style maps, so I'd welcome maps like this. Saying that, it strikes me as a tad open in areas, and i'm not so sure abou having Evade on a map where falling off would be quite easy if you were darting about.
I was having a problem with it during playtesting, but I wasn't sure what I could replace it with since I already have an active camo on the map.
While I wouldnt turn it into a room based design, I would still give it more structure, at the moment it seems somewhat lacking in structure. I'd imagine you have a good bit of budget left so I'd work on adding a bit more Aesthetic value to the map. Overall the design is nice, but I'm not fond of the ramp bridges on 1 vs 1's or the use of the prefab building, the pyramids however are fine they add a nice touch to the bridge. And as far as choosing the Armor Abilitys, I say Sprint as well its my favorite and it can become a fierce weapon on small scale maps. The Active Camo you have chosen is a good choice, it works well in 1 vs 1 of this type due to scambling the radar up.
If not ramp bridges, what piece should I use? I played around with it for a couple minutes and couldn't find a good fit. But maybe you have an idea
If I was going to change it up a little, I'd use either brace larges or ramp 2x2s to rebuild the spots your using the ramp bridges at. Could move the teleporter reciever node and build a more unique design up around it, perhaps a raised platform built around the cliff itself similiar to how you have down the left side of the map. Itd just make it feel more lively if you add a few more aesthetic touches to it, you can design 1 vs 1 similiar to any other map and more so due to there not being so much strain on the framerate so feel free to go a little crazy with it. I would work mostly on the high ground against the cliff its the area that deserves the most attention, but adding a few more height differences, paths around the map will help the flow as well I think it could turn out really well. The reason I say you should a solid ramp design is because I feel any area underneath the bridges will become a hotspot for camping, and there just not very gameplay friendly. Now if you want to have a tunnel like area in that spot that could work out fine though in my opinion.
Since Smackdown will be a rather competitive tournament, I'm expecting people with decent headsets to enter too. Now, have you ever played a map near the waterfall with a gaming headset on? If not, let me tell you that it is hell. It not only takes away the whole reasoning of using an overpriced headset, for example being able to tell where your enemy is my his sounds, the waterfall sound also makes you deaf. The loud, monotone sound in the background destroys even casual maps. I would suggest moving your map to another place of Forge World, and yes, I know how much work that is. But has anyone with headsets had similar experiances? Maybe it's just me.