I got my CC working, and this is just a test basically. Don't judge right now haha, just a test. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CVVvgbulOk
I like it. Just remember though, I know this is a test, but when you really make one of these, aka sure to give more than one camera shot instead of just moving your camera around. PS. What editing system do you use? Love, Zachary9990
yea, that's what scorpulus said (announcer guy) but yea I'll def do that when we actually film a serious one lol
WTF lol that video was weird, yes I know it was a test. What was the machine anyway I thought you built a rocket or something lol
If thats the case you are a forging god! lol I wonder if anyone has ever made a real successful canon that shoots you far and fast lol
hah thanks. We're doing another skti and we need like 8 people so if any of you wanna join just add me or Scorpulus.