Important Message: Due to the lack of turn-ups for this game, it has been postponed until Saturday 20th, at 3:30PM GMT, or 10:30EST for those in the states. If you wish to join our group dedicated to infection, take a look at this link. Another Important Message: If you still want to play, the thread for this week's game has been moved to this thread. Greetings, fellow Forge Hubbers :happy: Last week's game event went quite well, although I was unhappy with the number of non-forge hub people who complained constantly. For those of you who don't know, and I'm sure that's a lot; this newly named "Brain Fest," is a (hopefully) weekly game of infection, for those of you who love the sweet (slightly sour perhaps) taste of brains. This type of infection isn't the typical humans have an impenetrable fort, or Fat-Kid, or the zombies have 1337% Speed and 0 gravity gametype. The infection I play is hopefully fun and involves (more often than not) brains and teamwork. Onto the meat: The game is on the 13th September (Saturday), at around 2:30PM GMT. The game will hopefully run for 1 - 2 hours. Quick note: I want players who are fun, not too serious, not too casual. If you are neither, please do not sign up. Here is the map list: Traxus, Co. by FBU Convoy Tunnel by TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, and rusty eagle Tree Rot by Bungie Township V3 by Something. Silorn by Lawful Chilli Another Ambush on Security Tunnel by elitemastersam Feel free to suggest other maps to me; if I like them I'll put them up, I probably don't have enough right now. Signing Up: Simply tell me on this page you want to sign up, and give me your gamertag, and I'll send you a friend request (from my tag: chonkemp). Then I'll have an open party on Saturday at game time and you can simply come in. I'll also add you to the roster tommorow. Mics are not compulsory, but if you have one, please don't be an idiot. There is nothing more annoying than the sound of someone making stupid noises coming out of my speakers while I'm trying to run away from 15 brain-hungry zombies. Current Roster: chonkemp InsaneSpinach Chaz50No Fred4For0 Something (potential no-show) Celestial Panda Tchun21 RivalMass XxSpyx StubbornOldGit (potential no-show) Guest (Reserve slot) Skittle085 swe engine ii D00medcrusader LetalisCarbine9 MovingTarget602 Reserve Slot Duckyz
I'd join up, but my work schedule may or may not conflict with the times you've set up. Either way, I do have a map to offer, Township V3. It's a very teamwork oriented map.
Okay, both of you, if you'd like to sign up, just Pm me your Gamertag, or just send it here Thanks for the map suggestion btw, will check it out.
I would love to play and have been looking for a group like this that plays almost every week. I am however worried because there aren't many maps on the list which might lead to a stale "brain fest". I would like to add to the list with my own map This is only one of three areas Some of the fighting Holdout Requiem It is a serious infection game that is fair for both sides. -feel free to check it out and comment
Thank you guys, I'll check out all these maps at the weekend. Thanks for signing up. And RivalMass, I agree with you, that's why I was asking for a few more maps
Here are two infection maps that look pretty fun. I have not had time to play them yet so if no one has any objections I would ike to try them this weekend Another Ambush on Security Tunnel -4,800 views / 45 replies Description (quoted) "This game is for those who enjoy fast paced, close quarters infection games. This game was made to be difficult for the humans to survive. Many humans will die on the journey, because there are so many points of ambush. But if you use teamwork, some of you may make it. Most of the times you play this game few will make it to the end. But once you do make it to the end, survival is much easier. I would not consider that cheap in any way, because the zombies can easily prevent that. And don't think that just because you have a turret you will be invulnerable. Of all my times playing this game, I can't remember one person surviving the three minutes. You must continually use teamwork even at the end." Silorn -1,080 views / 19 replies Silorn is an infection map made for up to twelve people. It is best played with the marauders game variant. Description (quoted) "Every player has 3 lives, so once you become a zombie, you have 2. 25% of the players start out as zombies. The alpha zombie's damage resistance is up completely, making them immune to everything but assassinations. All zombies have 75% speed and 150% gravity. Their weapon is an energy sword. All zombies that start out human have normal damage resistance. Humans are equipped with a shotgun and a magnum. They have 90% speed and 150% gravity. The last man standing gets active camo and a damage resistance of 200%. Through testing, i found the best way survive if you are not the last man is to just run from the zombies since you are faster. Camping or hiding in one spot did not seem to work as well. If you are the last man, however, hiding is usually best when you have camo."
Thanks for that. Both those maps look very good; I've added them to the roster, along with the map that Something suggested. Keep your sign-ups coming, and keep those map suggestions coming! If we get enough sign ups, we can form two parties which people can move freely from and to EDIT: I may also add some screenshots of last weeks (somewhat phailed) event, just to give potential signers-up a taste of what's to come
I'd like to sign up! It's not infection, but maybe you could do the Fave Creeks and Cave Freaks gametype that was recently featured? It looked like fun, and is very reminiscent of Infection.
You're all signed up. Have fun tommorow, hopefully. EDIT: May / may not add cave freaks. Depends on popular demand. Will look into it tommorow during the game.
ide be in this week... but im going to be extremly busy tomorrow srry, and i have church on sunday.. i hate different time-zones
You've all signed up. I'm pretty sure we've reached the full 16. Any further sign ups will be added to the reserve slot. I'm sure 3 or 4 won't turn up.
Map suggestion. Won't be playing this week, probably not next. I just decided to suggest this map because I really like it. Spoiler That might be because I made it... Hmmm... =P