Welcome and its time for attempt #3 to get this thread going. Alright, for those of you who don't know. This is an unofficial competition. It will start on September 14th 2010 and it will end on (insert date here). In this thread I am going to tell you about the competition if you don't already know. I am going to provide ways for you to submit your map. I am going to ask for help from the forgehub community to score and play maps. I am also going to ask you for your suggestions on scoring. I will lay also ground rules for this competition. Contents 1) About the Competition 2) How to Submit your map 3) How to help scoring and testing maps 4) Scoring 5) Rules 6) Edits 7) (leave open) About the Competition For those of you who already know how, what and when this competition came about move on to the next section. But those of you who don't know you have to stay here. This competition came around after the Foreign Treasures Contest, when somebody asked the question if forgehub would have another contest before Reach launched. Eventually somebody asked "Is there going to be a contest for the launch of Halo: Reach?". And this is where the competition began. Somebody else replied " Why don't you just make your own unofficial contest?". So here I am today telling you about an unnofficial competition. This competition winner will not be the person who can make the best map in a few months, NO, the person who wins will be one who made a map in under two weeks. Now I know the senior members of forgehub.com are saying "BLarGH! That isn't even enough time to test my map!!! What if it is broken?!? arGH!". Well, no it isn't enough time to test a map, maybe not even enough time to make a good clean map. But this competition isn't about that. It is about who can make the best map in the least amount of time and will score accordingly. Now people who absolutly think they need to test thier map, well, oh-well I couldn't think of a something to help you out so good luck. But if you are thinking "Oh, this isn't a good Idea, its to short, I will need more time, I think I'll just troll," I ask that you only provide constructive criticism, and cast your vote in the poll. Now, if your wondering exaclty why I am contantly changing colors, it is for two reasons. 1) To keep your attention 2) The last time I tried to post this thread I got a migrain and had to stop midthread only to wake up and find that the power had gone off. How to Submit Your Map Now, since Reach is more than likely going to cause a flood of forged maps, I am going to provide you different ways to submit your map. I do not want a person to be stealing others maps so that they can submit it to this competition. I generally check the forged everday, so I will be watching and making sure not submissions are another persons. Also, due to your time constraints you do not have to have a forgehub thread for your map. I do not want people to finish thier map at 11 o' clock and while they are making thier thread loose track of time only to realize that it is the next day. I am going to provide two or three posible ways to submit a map ( I am considering the third still) Anyway, here they are: Come here to forgehub.com and post your map on the submissions thread which will be up by September 12th (so that I don't forget) Send me a message via XBox Live, this will be so that nobody steals your map, since only I can look at my messages. Just send me a message (the normal "Check out this map variant") and say my submission to the "Like Clockwork Competition" My gamertag is: Eftz3 How to Help Score and Test the maps: Now I can't do everything by myself, or I wouldn't be asking this of you. At this point in time I only have about 30 or so people on my friend's list. Now if all these people I didn't have a problem with or where active all the time I would have enough people to help me out. But I need you help. If you want to help score and play the maps, please post a response like the following (send me a message, GT is Eftz3): I will be willing to help you Gamertag: ExampleJohn Times Availible: (please only post estime, sorry for the inconvienience) Blahblahblahblah (anything you would like to say about this thread) Your input is welcome when it comes time to score the maps, however, you are not allowed to help score your own map. Scoring: Sorry for the inconvieniece, but I have to go. I will have the scoring up sometime tommorrow. Edit: 1) Changed all colors to one color. 8/12
I will be willing to help you Gamertag: patrickcanttype Times Availible: 3-8 ET on weekdays, 11-8 ET on weekends I voted 15 days. With forge 2.0 I think that it's more than enough time to make a decent map. In fact, 10 is even enough, however most people will want to play campaign and multiplayer as well.
I might have been the only person anywhere who was excited for a competition on the day of release. Oh well. A couple of ideas; If I were doing it, I'd post favorites from each or some of the Forge World areas. For example, "Here's my favorite map from the Coliseum, favorite from the Lagoon, favorite floating map, etc. And I'd just point out some notable maps, even if they weren't the winners. I'm planning on making a submission. I vote that the competition ends on a Saturday night.
15 days for those people who will play the campaign the second they pop in the disk.I will also be making a submission (hopefully).
First off, please don't colour your posts obnoxiously, black is hard for the dark forum skin users to read, and white is difficult for the light skin users. And all the others in between is just an annoyance. Second off, You already have two threads about this, it could very easily been edited into the old one. I'm not a moderator, but I've been infracted for less. On a separate note, I may enter this, just because I know I'll be forging a lot, however, it's not exactly my top priority, I'll join because I'm forging, not forging in hopes to join.
I discard my vote and second this one! Also it would be a good idea to take in these suggestions about color and thread recreating, but I greatly appreciate your effort in trying to make things convenient for everyone.
Okay, I don't see how you are going to gather much interest without prizes. Prizes are incentives for people to join and do well. And secondly, can you edit the post and make it all in one color, not a bazillion colours. Thanks.
Well if that's a problem someone could always wip up some nifty signature thing and perhaps talk about said map for a feature.
Hmmm not sure if i will join or not it depends if i am going on this camping trip with my family, but if i do join i would expect the compitition to go for more then 15 days at least 20 days. It would take me at least 5 days to finish the campain anyway, i don't play the xbox that much anymore. Ill join if i can
There already is a prize: Eternal forgehub glory. Until someone else posts a map. Also, why don't we make the contest time 2 hours??? (laughs at people freaking out at that very idea)(and those freaking out at the very idea, simmer down, its just a joke lol)
I don't need a prize for incentive. My incentive for joining is to have fun, and my incentive for doing well is that it can be challenging and I might gain a little prestige. I was also hoping that not too many people would submit, so as not to make Eftz3 ultra-busy.
Id gladly join this, Eftz3 you should probaly contact an admin or someone of high authority here on forgehub and see if you can get this to be more official and noticed. This would also give people who arent sure what to do in Reach because itll be so overwhelming something to do, or help people get adjusted to forge 2.0. As for prizes i think a cool signature or even a code for 1600 ms points would do.
Your competition lacks the proper thought for me to put any effort toward it. I wish you luck and if you were not so busy trying to get this competition up and running you would know not all of us will be forging at all for the first few days. An important thing you could have included was a start-stop time. ex- you have 10 days to start from the 14th of September. after starting you have 10-15 days to finish. You would have to have proof of first save and last save to verify your map was made within timeframe of competition. The main reason I say this is because many people get their best ideas after seeing new and unbelievable things. ie the campaign gets the creation part of brains working and give us ideas to implement in our possible designs. You should really slow the engines in your idea here step back and think of how this could all run better if you take your time. I think if you really get this going well with a good following your competition could be fun.
I'd be willing to help you test, just hit me up with a message on Xbox when you are. Also, you should make a competitive, casual, race, aesthetic, and minigame categories. And then divide each of those into a grand prize, first place and two runner ups for each category. However, if you don't get enough submissions, you probably shouldn't split it into categories. Find someone willing to donate an armor code or something for a grand prize winner. Also, the contest should last one week.