After doing one for Vice, LIGHTS asked me to do one for his entry for the "History of the Goose" contest. Sorry LIGHTS...I just...don't know why I couldn't work up a better one then this...maybe laziness, but I doubt it...
LIGHTSOUT does it again. Now I realize how him and Vicious Vice beat me at rocket race every time. They have training courses! Lol. Amazing driving once again LIGHTSOUT, 5/5
I thought the video that you did was pretty good. Some of those tricks are pretty awesome like when he jumps off the Mongoose and flies into the teleporter. I like how he times that mongoose to drop and then gets on the other one. Nice job on the video along with those tricks of yours LIGHTSHOUT225.
You are The Mongoose Master fo sho. That tele jump made me wet my pants man... do you have that course on your file share? Anyone?