Lightning Rod

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Apple s4uc3, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    Hello! This is my first map that I'm taking seriously. The only other map I have made is a bunch of exploding fusion coils. The only gametype for it is slayer.
    Now Pics.
    Warthog Turret
    Overshield hall view 1
    Overshield hall view 2
    Big bridge thing
    Tunnels and way into room
    In the room
    Secret needeler room

    The way to get out of the room is via deployable grav lifts.
    Thanks for reading!
    Kthnxbai. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    Question: What gametype(s) does this support?
    I suggest more interlocking, as others here @ FH may nag.
    Looks intresting, I'll dl and give it a try.
  3. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I am likin ur layout on this one, it looks really interesting. I don't understand why there is a ghost if it is blocked off by barriers, and the stationary warthog is an eyesore (just put a turret!). It could also use some cover in the central area... I think that some interlocking and geomerging would really make this map great, and make the aesthetics waaay better. I also see some sloppiness so please clean up the map, add interlocking and geomerging, and make a V2! This map really has potential, but you should continue working on it. It's not perfect yet but it's a great start, especially for a first map.

    PS: for a version 2 you should add more gametypes... I suggest koth and oddball.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    considering by the looks of ur map as awhole, and that u didn't do too much interlocking. im not convinced that u made the wall. if u didn't please give credit to the creator. sry if u indeed did make it
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  5. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    O srry. Baah15 made the wall. Almost forgot.
    JASONYO likes this.
  6. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    you know for your fist map i think this was made really well. i think if you go to forging 101 then youll fined a lot of cool tricks and with your cool looking ideas this looks fun. ill download.
    JASONYO likes this.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    this isnt bad for your first map, I would check up on some forging 101 techniques to help make your map look better.

    Looks pretty fun good job
  8. i_support_elites

    Senior Member

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    this is an awesome first map, but i think some creative criticism is in order. first as many others said INTERLOCKING! second get rid of the warthog and barriers blocking the ghost, third add in some more weapons or pics of weapons cause all i saw was a splazer and a needler(put a carbine and BR!!!). and most importantly more gametypes, KOTH, CTF, and infection are my favorites.

    awesome map by the way!
    JASONYO likes this.
  9. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    From Gr33n n00t

  10. BlueMasterChief

    BlueMasterChief Ancient
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    looks good but theres no gametype or any interocking, check out forge 101 for lesons on interlocking and others
  11. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    first i would like to recomend making it inescapable and more interlocking. secondly, you really need to think some of your concepts over. the needler room is a good idea, but the need for a grav lift is kind of cliche. other than that it looks fine.
  12. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Eugh, this is the cancer that is killing FH!

    "Needs more interlocking"
    "MOAR interlock"

    Not a personal attack on you (spectraltravis) by the way. But its a problem that is getting out of hand.

    In this case in particular, he's said its his first map. Its entirely possible he doesn't know how to interlock. And even if he does, I don't understand why it would make the map PLAY any different. It's mostly an aesthetics thing.

    As for extra gametypes, whats wrong with just a slayer map anyway? A map that doesn't require you to download a new gametype means that it takes less hard-drive space, which is always a win. If you were referring to the lack of spawns for other standard gametypes, then I apologise.

    It looks fairly decent for your first map Gr33n. But it might be an idea to post a little more information about the map, and perhaps provide an overhead/overall layout screenshot, so people can get a feel for the whole map at once. perhaps a list of available weapons etc. as well.

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