LightChill by K r ii z ii c and alecandxb618 A 2v2/ ffa/ 1v1 competive. Great gameplay. Close range map. 6x brs 2x smg 4x carbine 2x maular (one clip each) 8x frags 4x plasma 1x bubble sheild 1x regen YouTube - LightChill::Map Preview::Made By x K R i Z i C x & alecandx618 Now some screen shots Download LighChill Not made by me made by Kriizic and alecandexb618
[Mythic DLC] Telekinesis V2 - XForgery Stolen map
WTF this is Like Telekinesis v2 you stole this not cool dude not cool at all. You got rid of the structures and the put a ****ing tube in middle. You sir should learn stealing is everyones downfall especially when they get caught. >=(
Haha that's excatly what I thought when I saw the first picture. I won't report if you got permission to use parts of the map though
Well, what do we have here? Stealing my map much? I don't know you, so how do you have permission to use this? I NEVER gave permission to you. You should get what you deserve. Don't steal maps, the outcome is not fun. Don't do it again. Ever. Confess and apologize for stealing my map, and I'll think about not reporting you. But I will if you don't. Your call. Act fast. -Nah, you can suck it. Reported.
its going to get reported anyway. no need to make threats. it should be reported regardless of if he says sorry to you. stealing maps is not tolerated.
Well, it's too late for him to get out of the ban now, Dylan. I know at least 5 members that already reported it. @Pillowchub: Don't be a douchebag. Stealing maps proves nothing, especially when it's a map as well known as Telekenises. Not cool, man. Not cool. Reported.
Locked Stolen map. Infraction given, along with a warning to PRSplayer42. I don't care if it's your map, the hostility is ridiculous. The post itself wasn't really a problem, but more when I checked on his visitor profile and saw those messages. Other people who also left hostile're lucky I'm lazy. Edit: It's not his fault, actually he's posting for a friend who claimed to have made the map so I'm reversing it. I'm pretty much 100% sure about this, too. Don't look down on him, please. Kthx.