LIGHT INTENTONS Light Intentons is a medium size map. It is part 2 of dark intentons.It is good for Assault,Free For All,Team Slayer,and Capture The Flag it holds up to 4-8 players.The game types are called LI Asault,LI CTF. Created 2.20.2009 by lostexile93. the download link to the map the download link to the game types LI Asault LI CTF heres a download link to dark Intentons EQUIPMENT 8x frag grenade 4x plasma grenade 3x spike grenade 2x firebomb grenade 1x bubble shield 1x power drain 1x trip mine 1x regenerator 1x radar jammer 1x flare WEAPONS 2x mauler 2x needler 4x smg all together 4x spiker all together 2x covenant carbine 2x battle rifle 1x gravity hammer 2x sniper rifle 1x rocket launcher NOW FOR SOME PICS!!!!! blue base red base right side of map left side of map NOW FOR SOME FIGHTING PIC!!!!! beat down! BOOM! who won? headshot!
Your post is not up to the FH standards. Please go HERE to learn on how to embed your pics properly. PLUS you should also include a link to your map.
well from what i can see there is a link and some pictures, but the pictures arent as big as the first one. I assume u know how to make them that big because you already have one the right size. Try making the rest of the pictures that size so we can have a good view of the map.
This map looks pretty cool with nice and neat forging. It looks like it has a lot of close combat corridors. Is is Symmetrical?
Nice! I like it. The interlocking/geomerging is good and I dont see anything that could be fixed. 5/5! and DL. Can't wait to check it out. edit- WAAY too much equipment. and lower the amount of power weapons.
i like the map. the best part of the map is how you took a lot of time in making it. its apparent that you planned it out before you built it. but i dont like how some of it is interlocked and some of its not. overall very nice map.
although there isnt that much merging or interlocking it doesnt mean its not a good amp because this map looks awesome and it looks like itll have outstanding gameplay great map 4/5
This looks okay. I like the layout and the amount of cover available. I really like the design of the bases and the multi-level feel. While the forging isn't spectacular, it's nice and neat for minimum interlocking and geomerging. I would definitely suggest interlocking and geomerging a lot more on a v2. Also you should flip the bridges and boxes. The upside-down boxes create a smooth floor if they're interlocked and upside down bridges look better. You should also make open boxes on foundry's floor geomerged so there's no bump and interlock them into any other floor that you make. Overall, this looks like a good map. I'll DL it because I like the looks of it. You should definitely make a v2 with more interlocking and geomerging. Also, the equipment and weapon choice looks a little hectic. I'll try it out though.