O Hai, You probably don't remember the first one, but the spawning was broken and some other stuff was bad. I have made a version two, with improved spawns, shotgun sillyness, shark-jump proof raft, and more! EDIT: This is not a remake! I did not remake the first person's liferaft map! That one is good, but different from mine in how it plays. I understand if you assumed I remade his map, but I didn't. Please do not compare mine with his for they have considerably different qualities. LINKS! Map- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Concept: The humans must fend off the sharks as they try to eat them to death. The sharks should destroy the bottom to get at the humans btw. It is a dumb idea for anyone to try to escape the map, for they will fail or die. Strategies: Humans should try to use the other weapons on the raft to their advantage. The fire bomb grenades only work if they hit the sharks directly, the flame thrower should scare off any sharks around the map, and the remote mine is the "kill everything" device. Pics: Teh Creator and His Playtester Pals The Big Ol' Ship The Big Ol' Map Cheatproofing Devices (Notice The Gravity Lifts) The Dietary Habits of Sharks Are Quite Violent
haha i LOVE this.. Same thing as Termites on Foundry, great job.. never would have thought of doing that out there 9/10
I have seen a smaller version of this, but the humans could get out and run off. Good work with the Cheat Proofs. 5/5 for the remake 4.5 as a map.