(Will get screenshots up as soon as I can.) Hey, everyone. I'm just here to tell you about my new map that I'm working on. The gametype is called 'Life', and the map is called 'Earth'. Hence, 'Life on Earth'. Here's the basic idea- you need at least 6 people to play (I would recommend as many as possible, though). One person spawns in a separate area in the sky. They are 'God'. And one other lucky soul spawns down in the crypt. They are 'Satan'. Both God and Satan get a special power-up that gives them... well, God-like abilities. You can be a benevolent or kind God. It's all up to you. The rest spawn as 'Mortals', on the ground. The mortals live their lives, buying weapons, houses, vehicles (with a new mechanic I created). The mortals can choose to lead good lives, or lives of crime and murder. Once a mortal dies, they are sent to heaven, where God must pass judgment on them. God must choose whether they are to go to heaven or hell (using another mechanic). Once a mortal passes and is sent to either heaven or hell, they live their lives serving either God or Satan, performing either random acts of kindness to the mortals, or making their lives hell as devils. I wanted to create a game where the object wasn't to get the most kills, etc., but just to role-play and have a fun time. Tell me what you think of the idea.
It wouldnt be fun unless you had a good party,and I dont understand your "mechanics" but cant wait to see if it works. Can you give us a general release date?
That sounds fun, I'm looking forward to it! Do you have different stats as angel and devil, and how do you plan to make the mechanic for buying things? I would be happy to help you finish this, even if its only to test.
This sounds like a great new idea. Could be fun. Just make sure you design the map so it doesn't become repetitive. The mechanic for buying things sounds quite interesting. I hope it turns out great.
looks like a good idea but you would need a mature party to play with. ill take a look at it when it comes out
Sounds pretty original, not sure how it'll go though. What if god and satan decide to have a war or something? Still, it sounds like something that would last for hours.
I has an idea: What if you give all players 3x Overshields and slight shield decay to simulate aging? It would suck if the only way to die was by being killed, then games would last forever and everyone would go to hell. =/
I want to test this map out, or help or something, i had a similar idea, but scratched it, a while back.
Good idea, but the game would end up like cops and robbers- fun, exiting and filled with little kids trying to ruin the fun....