Remake LGCS Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SaltyKoala, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    LGCS(Low Gravity Combat Simulator) Sanctuary.

    Created by:SaityKoalaBear

    Not just your average Sanctuary Remake.
    Features the same basic layout of the old sanctuary, with a HUGE VERTICAL twist.
    Weapon placement is also the same as MLG Sanc,with the exception of Grenade Launchers on carbine bridges. Prepare to have your mind blown. Works with the LGCS Slayer Settings. 150% Speed, 125% Jump Height 50% Gravity, Jetpack Starting Equip J and Usage Set to Unlimited. Apply these to MLG flag in order to play Flag, Fliseshare was full!

    Car Bridge to Looking Snipe.
    Car bridge, Ring 2, Snipe
    Corner Overview
    Rockets/Ring 1
    Car Bridge Looking Rocks, and Flag Base
    #1 SaltyKoala, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2011
  2. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    Hmmmm, I feel like this isn't really competitive type map, you know? Like it should be in the minigames forum, but then it's like a funky version of the MLG variant, you got all kinds of stuff goin on here. But yeah otherwise, I just feel like it's kinda gimmicky, you know, what with the low gravity and all. I'm not saying it's bad, but I can't really imagine a real competitive natured game on it, the platforming and jetpacking would just kinda take over. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, I haven't played on it. Looks pretty funky though.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Every time I play this map, I want to kill myself. You whoring the luck-based Needle Rifle combined with Jetpack/Low-gravity makes this map one of the most unenjoyable experiences I have ever had in Reach.

    I agree with the above poster. This would make more sense in the Casual or Minigames section than here.
  4. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its is not a mini-game of any sort, so it certainty does not belong in that thread but possibly in the causal thread. The reason i posted the map in the competitive thread was because I believe this game-type and map to actually have a higher skill-gap than your average game type and map. Here is my reasoning

    1) Longer ranged battles:The DMR becomes a truly skilled weapon at long ranges, up close its a cross your fingers and hope you get lucky with the spam type of weaopn, with this map many of the DMR battles take place within the DMR's "paced range", meaning spamming the trigger will not work whatsoever and players who pace will be rewared not punished for pacing. Targets are also smaller at long ranges, and it takes more skill to hit a smaller target.

    2) Full Y- Axis Usage: On a typical horizontal based/"land locked" map there are not many instances where players have to look up and look down extremely quickly. Due to the extreme height variations of this map and the ability to descend and ascend so quickly, players must make full usage of the Y-Axis and players who opt for a higher- sensitivity will be rewarded for doing so. Higher Sensitivity requires more dexterity than does lower sensitivity, another skill gap factor.

    3) Jetpack Usage: Knowing how to properly and effectively use the jet pack is a whole skill set on its own. In fact, it brings back the usage of the "claw"(using index finger for x,y,b,a) technique for players who Bumper Jumper, just this style of holding the controller is another skill that is required if player who wishes to jump, beat down, use jet pack, reload and switch weapons without ever having there thumbs leave the thumb-sticks. Jet packing also require players to have a good "inner knowledge of trigonometry", meaning players must be able to calculate there upwards and forward velocities and come up with an "invisible" trajectory path for said velocities if they are trying to land on a object. If a player can not calculate there flight path properly, it will cause them to over shoot or undershoot a platform or rock, thus causing them to hang in the air above the area they were trying to land. This hang time can be deadly, as it can waste precious time when trying land in order to strafe, escape or capture a flag thus leaving a player suspend in mid air making them easy target for anyone trying to shoot them down. Gernade Launcher usage also requires a high level of "trigonometry knowledge".

    Another Jet pack Usage Skill set comes in the form of level flight, it is necessary to tap the "Equipment" button at a certain rate in order to achieve level flight, or hover in one spot, say behind a floating rock.

    4) Team Formations: In this gametype and map it is very important to fly in "battle groups" flying with your team from one area of the map to another. If you fly alone and are caught in open air by two or more players, there wont necessarily be anywhere to hide and the chances of you dying are greatly increased. Flying in a "battle formation" negates this issue, it allows players to traverse open air areas and allows damage to be spread throughout the entire group if the group comes under fire, it also allows the entire group to fire upon targets together thus quickly taking out any opposition the group may have. On normal maps, being so close together can have negative ramifications as one grenade can cause splash damage to your whole team. Different battle group can be formed, such as a giant X, a tight knit cluster, a lose cluster, a single file line etc and etc. Each formation has different tactical advantages in different scenarios and groups need to adjust depending on the combat scenario. This type of depth is not present in normal slayer and maps, and thus is another skill-set that must be learned by a team, thus effectively increasing the skill gap between new Low Grav player and Experienced Ones.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Moved to casual. Competitive is mainly for default or matchmaking playlists such as Slayer, CTF, etc.

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