hmmm seems legit No map is good after spending only an hour on it, there are many things to think about when trying to make an actual balance map that people can play without having a hernia about an op part of the map. It seems this build was quick aswell, and it is not balanced, mainly because its a bunch of random railings that go places, one way to the top could be quicker than the next, and the LoS must be hurting with all the railings in the players view. Basically one player could reign down terror on everyone from the top, and rage quits would ensue. Frame rate would be deceased. On a side note, it seems that you've dodged around every person's effort to help you with some lame paragraph that I didn't take the time to read. stahp
Well if you did read my comment's you would see that i never said that this map was supposed to be a balanced map, i never even decided to upload it until like 6 months after i made the first version of it. Since then i have probably spent more the double the time i spent first making it on trying to improve it, so i can ensure you that this map took some time. but the problem was that i could never make it more balanced than it is right now without having to actually change the entire structure of the map, so what im doing is making a new, more better map in halo 4 with sorta the same concept. And the other map infrata was also just like a little experiment i did that i also never intended to release. I honestly never even think about uploading maps when im making them, i just like to make cool concepts and have fun with it. And if you had had seen this post when it was the first version you would have seen that i did take almost everyones feedback and made a better map with it, if you saw it before it was a lot worse than it is now. Also, this is a casual map, its not really meant to be super balanced, even though it actually can be if you actually try it out with enough people. Anyways thanks for the feedback. If you have anything to say about things that you sorta liked about my map i would like to hear it, and that goes to everyone.
Alright. Let's mak his absolutely clear. Just for the lols, for the sake of having a vertical map with a bunch of really thin walkways, just to try it out. I can live with that.