This is Level jumpers. On this jumping map, you will be required to jump very well. You will also be required to make it to the end with out any checkpoints, double jumping, or any cheating of any form. Pictures: This is the beginning Don't stare at the light for too long! Jump into the hole. (bow chicka wow wow) This is where you figure out if your ready for this map. Head for the teleporter! But watch your step! Welcome to the second level. Nothing much to say here........pretty simple...... This is the first real challenge. Jump on the corner. That's all I got to say. Welcome to the third level! There's a reason why I'm hugging the wall. Throw the bubble quick! Go into the kill ball, but don't die..I don't feel like picking up your dead body. Welcome to the forth level! Don't go into the man cannon or cannon,man. That piece of wood is pretty darn sturdy! Is it that easy? Welcome to the fifth level! OMG! You really are supposed to jump on top of that! There's a speed limit on that golf course!
Stolen from Flaming Ninjas? Maaaaaybe..... Make sure you look down. And welcome to the sixth level! Jump! Jump like you've never jumped before! Head for the sky! Welcome to the seventh level! Jump! That's all I got to say...... Hey! No pushing! Welcome to the eighth and final level! Stolen from another map again?! It might be..*cough*Dark Cloud*cough* Don't go for the more creative! THE END?! If you see this, then you are a jumping god! Some words from the creator: This took me not too long to make but it took me forever to get the pictures(kept feeling too lazy to do it). I have created other jumping maps and might post them if people want me to. I'm going to have a list of people that completed the course, with their time. If you complete it(without cheating) then send me a video of it (have it cut out so i don't have to see you falling two million times) to me at WWAR aruigus808. Alright, thanks for reading this and/or downloading the map. from, aruigus808 People that have made it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Level jumpers map: : Halo 3 File Details If you don't have the Far From Home gametype then here's my gametype: Running:
Complex, yet simple? I like the length of this map overall, and it does seem like a worthy challange for me. I would dl, but I can't seem to find the link. Or is it not on? Also, what settings do we use? Just normal or does it need to be edited? EDIT: Oh wait ignore that, I posted my comment before you could put the link.
This map looks like a good challenge. I like all the different levels and you posted lots of pic so thats always helpful. I think I will download and see what I can do
Wow why are so many people making these maps now nobody use to before. But looks fairly good looks fairly easy and challenging at some places.
if it was a 300 years old course wouldn't some of the jumps but partially broken and thus making this map impossible if you going to create a backstory make a better one
No DL for me. Length is a good thing in most cases, but combining length with difficult jumps AND no checkpoints kind of makes it all seem like an annoyance. I don't want to make a mistake on the final jump and then have to trek all the way back from the beginning.