What was once a testement to the powers of man is now nothing but a dried up riverbed. 2-8 players. McHooby Map Pack (Part 1/3) This is an asymmetric map great for 1 Flag CTF, Territories, and Team Slayer. It is oriented for an attacking team and defending team. Very nature friendly. Weapwns: -Health Station x 3 -Frag Grenades x 2 -Stickies x 4 -DMR x 3 -Needle Rifle x 2 -Plasma Pistol x 1 -Plasma Repeater x 1 -Needler x 1 -Shotgun x 1 -Sniper x 1 -Pro Pipe x 1 -Spartan Laser x 1 Love, McHooby
The map on has a few bridges and a pre-made building...did you even try? I would suggest adding way more objects and making the number of power weapons go down...
thanks for the critique dude, though i don't think you need a lot of objects to have a cool map. this one was all about working with the landscape to give our map direction. from what i've experienced, it works really well with the one-sided gametypes as well as team slayer. you should try playing on it first before jumping to conclusions.