there's probably a big amout of hubbers who have noticed that there are a lot of new hubbers that do not know how to post a map, here's my idea: I would like to have a auto-message after registering on forgehub that has a direct link towards the 'how to post a map' thread, this way we can reduce the amout of hubbers that don't know how to post a map and also it would be better to let the message automaticly be send 3-5 times over again in case of ignorance. well anwser this Question: Is this a good idea???
Or, make the map posting system to when you post a map, you have to fill in the blanks, like "Put title here", "Put description here (min characters:____)", "Put pictures here (min pictures_____)", and stuff like that. That would be the best way to keep people who attempt to post a link and thats it. Or go plan B, and get a message with a direct link to the entire rules. EDIT: This might go in Customer Service, I'm not sure on it though...
That's actually a great idea. I know I'm fairly new to posting, but I've been checking around for a while. Even for experienced Forgehubbers, it would make it harder to forget. A weapon list slot to fill in perhaps?
been thought of many time before. plus this belongs in customer service yeah i allready had this idea and so did like 50 people. they still didn't do it...