Sup d00dz. I went up to my favorite spots ever (you who have seen the majority of my photography should know by now) Monument last night and came up with a pretty overdone idea. But I like the out come. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated. "Let's Go Streaking!" For those interested in my settings: Standard 55mm wide angle lense; Shutter Speed: 30 sec.; f stop: 5 ISO: 400
Cool! Anything that has a long exposure time and lights is basically awesome. You could stand to use something to breakup the sky if you ask me, like if you waited for a darker night, although the soft gradient is cool as well. I have mixed reactions, but overall, I like it, you should post more photos you've taken, I'd be interested to see them.
@ ER1CO Thanks! I've really been trying hard at these long exposure photos, but I don't have a remote for the bulb setting :/ 30 seconds is the longest I have. The reason for the sky being so bright is because of the freaking moon and it's stupid light "polution." I'll definitely post more soon. @Audience I knew the title would grab someone's attention :3 I'm glad you like it!
Aw, I was hoping for something more along the lines of this. Seriously though, it reminds of the Flash. The Flash is pretty awesome.
I totally was not thinking that you were referring to that type of streaking.... That is so cool though, I think it would look a lot better if you got the person to turn the car headlights off though. Curious question, how far can you streak that to, on that road?
@ Sky It was a 2010 Chevy Cobalt LE @ Panda I set my camera's timer and ran like balls to the car. I drove But if I turned of the lights, I would have died... MASSIVE cliff to the right... Only light was from the moon... But I like the effect of the headlights. It looks like the trails lit up the ground. I also would have streaked it along the entire road, but it would have taken about a minute and a half. I only had 30 seconds. :/
I actually like how the headlights light the grass. If you decided to edit this you should definantly give that an orangish glow. I do like this image and I found myself looking at the sky more than the streaks. I'm loving the gradient in the sky. As ERICO said: Post more
I recently printed and framed this shot. We do a white elephant deal for Christmas and this was my gift. Everyone was "fighting" over it. Thanks for the compliments guys.
Nice man, I'd love to see how it'd look going all down the road, next time you might want to get a friend to drive, eh?
You know, I could use my bulb setting to get a much longer shot. I'll try it out next time I'm up there.