==LETHAL TEST on HUMAN SUBJECTS== DOWNLOAD LETHAL TEST DOWNLOAD HUMAN SUBJECTS Summary Lethal test on human subjects is a "sophisticated puzzle map that utilizes all areas on Sandbox." In this map, players will spawn in a dim-lit room and will soon be aware that they need to escape for their survival. The "human subjects" map consists of about eleven major obstacles and a few minor ones that are sure to test the thinking skills of test subjects, novice or hardcore. Failing a testchamber results in punishment by teleporting back to the first room, but usually death. The "lethal test" game variant is necessary, so be sure to download it if you want to try your luck in this puzzle. Hope you enjoy the map... a lot of effort has been put into it*. Please play it before you write an extremely critical review - you can only know the map by playing it, not by looking at screenshots or watching gameplay. *It also took me forever to get the map's description to be approved by Bungie. Apparently they don't like the word puzzle. Additionally, the map has gone through five redesigns to make it tougher and even more inescapable. Enjoy it. Completionists (Let me know if you earn a place on the list) xxWTFxxCRAZYxx o Jetti x NewCode12 IntrepidX619 Janeeey Freewriter55 Instructional Video This video is a compelte walkthrough of the map. Of course, it won't be too much fun if you watch the entire video and then beat the puzzle. Click here to watch it. Screenshots DOWNLOAD LETHAL TEST DOWNLOAD HUMAN SUBJECTS
Its ok So far my favorite puzzle map is saw extremity. This is pretty close though. Yours is very clean and looks challenging. Good job! DL and 4/5
Glad to hear good feedback! I've played quite a few puzzle maps, and one this one I tried to present players with never before seen obstacles that are challenging but beatable. I also put a ton of effort into making it look clean and decorated (notice shield door placement in Chamber 02, haha). Thanks again!
I was really never a fan of puzzle maps but this looks pretty good from what I can tell. I guess I'll download this just to see if I can get through it lol. Nice job forging wise though.
interesting, Q'd. I'll play it tomorrow and write the review then. and just as a heads up i probably won't lilke the starting over thing too much. Thats why i hate jump maps. Edit: Sorry that this came a little later then i promised. I never really had time to test the whole map. The first part i beat in 2 different ways, not really helpful, but if you want you can try to stop it. I could not get past the second part at all though. So interesting but i could not really tell the quality of the map from my little time on it. Edit 2: nvm i just watched the walkthrough... its a high-quality puzzle map 7/10
Yeah, I understand. There's actually only one part that requires you to jump with skill... otherwise there's no sophisticated jumping involved. Thanks!
The map looks good, but it seems to only consist of turrets through walls etc. I'll download, give it a go, and then come back to my comment.
Alright, thanks. There's a little more to it than that, so I hope playing it changes your opinion of it. Thanks again for the post!
Awesome map, I saw the vid, but I downloaded it anyways. I still don't think I would be able to figure this out, but I'll see if my friends could try. It's one of the most creative maps like this that I've seen.
Update about a year later: Thanks to all that supported this map when it was just born It now has 40,000+ views on YouTube thanks to you!