- Map is mainly made for Big Team Battle, Slayer, and CTF - - Teamwork Based - -Power Weapon's: 2 Misslepod's and 1 Rocket Launcher.- -2 Base's, each base include's: -1 Warthog, 2 Mongoose's, 4-5 regular grenade's 2 plasma grenade's, 1 Shotgun, 1 Sniper, 1 Power Drain, 1 Bubble Shield, 3- 4 B.R.'s, 1-2 Assault Rifle's, 1 Misslepod and 1 Brute Shot. -Power up's: 1 Overshield and 1 Active Camo. -Equipment: 2 Powerdrain's, 2 Bubble Shield's, 1 Grav Lift. -Grenade's: 5-6 Plasma's, 7-8 Regular Grenade's, 2 Spike Grenade's. -Vechicle's: 2 Warthog's and 4 Mongoose's -Weapon's: 2 Misslepod's, 10-12 B.R.'s, 6-8 Assault Rifle's, 2 Carbine's, 2 Mauler's, 1 Needler, 2 Brute Shot's, 1 Plasma Pistol, 1 Rocket Launcher, 2 Shotgun's, 2 Sniper's. ---DOWNLOAD LETHAL POINT--- GamePlay Shot's: Map/ Design Shot's: This map is the definition of the word teamwork. Not only is the balance built for working together , but overall test's your ability to communicate with other's. The Base's are seperated by a square structure with 4 energy barrier's blocking the bottom door's. The Rocket's are also located in the middle to encourage everyone to work as a team and advance forward to get to them. Overall this map is great for the gamemode's listed above. I encourage everyone to familiarize yourself with the weapon location's before you play it because they are the key to winning. Please give me your comment's, I appriciate them. Thank you all and I hope everyone enjoy's it! (Comment please or contact me with any question's.) (Credits: Tmillz999 helped with Action Shot's)
Pretty simple, but I like the idea of temawork being the key too victory. Nice ideas, and I would be happy to see a v2. But I'll DL.
Pretty good! In fact, the sniper towers remind me of Hang 'em High! However if you look at the first Overview, the two Large Ramp objects are right next to each other. However, the Sniper towers aren't. Is this map symmetrical or not? Also, I don't know how this map would absolutely positively necessarily need teamwork to win, considering it's not that different than any other map. Unless you'd need to butterfly jump up to the Sniper, otherwise I don't see anything. Still, great map. 4/5
Holy hell thats a lot of weapons! And, wow thats some pretty awesome forging. Incredible, infact. I really like your sniper towers, your bases, the thing in the middle, and about everything else, but this seems suspiciously like an overdone remake of the original sandbox with WAAAAY too many weapons. 10-12 brs? You mean to say that there are too many for you to give us an accurate count? If anyone has read the massive rant about overdone maps, you will understand this. I would rate this normally, but it has absolutely no problems except for a few spawn issues (spawning in the wrong base on CTF,) jump problems, and the unbeleiveable amount of weapons. Spawn IssuesBasically, you sometimes spawn in strange places, in the middle of heated battles, or even in the wrong base. It may not seem like much, but a spawn right next to the flag ruins all chance of the defending team to stop you. You get it free. This can be fixed with a single respawn area over each base. Another huge problem is spawning with the wrong team all around you when your team is down. Once again, respawn areas. Finally, starting in the middle of the map? idk what to do with that... you are on your own! Anyway, these little problems absolutely ruin the map, and it looks like you took only a few hours to build this. WeaponsFirst off, consider brs power weapons. Always think that someone with a br can dominate anyone anywhere on the map. That makes ten to twelve power weapons, which we will assume is 12 for my purposes. You also have 2 maulers, shotguns, brute shots, and snipers. That makes twenty. Now add a needler, a plasma pistol, and a rocket laucher. Thats twenty three. O.S. and camo bring it up to twenty five. 2 power drains and two bubble sheilds make twenty nine. You also have more than one variaty of sticky grenade, which is overkill waiting to happen. Basically, you have thirty high power peices of equipment/weaponry, that respawn, that each assure at least a kill each. This means that there are enough power weapons that every player gets two. Holy hell, thats stupid. There should be about half as many power slots as there are players, not the other way around. Remember, they are supposed to be given, not expected. That needs help. ConclusionBasically, this is a really good map, just not complete. I really am against having to jump to places, because it gets really annoying. You should always try to include ramps in between places. Anyway, im not trying to critisize your map, its really amazing, just not done. Work on that, and Ill get back to you when you finish V2. I really think that this is good enough to warrent a V2, and you seem to know what you are doing so have fun, and think about what I have said. Right now, 5/10 because its not all of a map, its like submitting something without spawns.
im pretty sure that your supposed to be spawning with a b.r, so really half the "power weapons" u speak of are just ammo. and i thank you for the input on the spawning. all i did was set the red base's spawn points the attack and blue to defence. as for too many power weapons. well sandbox is a lot bigger then u think and when the game starts off and gets going the stuff gets taken and used quickly .... the timers are set a little longer then usual and if im not mistaken this map is symitrical, the bases line up oppositly sided facing the center.